(Will)PowerPuff Girl! X
nope no spray! do try it that dinner filled me up sooo much I didn't end up using all the pp I had left! I did have one of my WW ice creams for 2pp so had 3pp left yesterday... if you don't use it, lose it!!
today im not feeling greatmy son has been off school cos he was sick weds night and I think (although I hope NOT) I might be catching it! I HATE being sick so hoping the feeling will just pass!
ive mnanged to have breakfast 2x poached eggs on 2x toast mmmmmmm I love my micro poacher!!
have a good Friday everyone xx
How are U feeling now Jo? Hope u haven't caught the dreaded bug! How do the eggs turn out in the Micro Poacher? I'm always worry ill end up with a Bouncy Ball! X