5 lbs to go to 5 stone loss!!!
Well, I'm hoping to hit the 5 stone mark by New Year. Its AAM for us this week but as our CDC pointed out I've had good weight loses both AAM weeks so there are no excuses lol
Our whole school went to watch 'Beauty and the beast' this afternoon and I suddenly felt like mum to all 22 kids making sure they were all ok. There were monsters in the show and quite a few children freaked out bless em. I have now realised that I could buy myself a monster mask and threaten it if they misbehave! lol The children seemed to get emotional towards the end crying and being horrible to each other. Then arguing over who sat with me on the bus. WHat it is to be popular! lol 3 days of work left and I can't wait.
My attitude towards Christmas is so much different this year. We got decorations out last week and we are really looking forward to all the frivolity that Chrimbo brings. Last year we 'couldn't be bovvered'.
I ordered a variety of clothes from Bon Prix which was recommended on minimins. It was getting me down that I felt naff wearing baggy clothes. These clothes are decent and cheap. I've ordered smaller sizes and won't be long before I'm in a size 24 now which feels pretty amazing as I had been 28-30 for so long then towards the end 30-32. I don't feel that different at times apart from feeling more positive in general but my clothes sizes are telling me I'm reducing nicely.
James and I as CDC's erm.... not my thing. I feel like I work non-stop (apart from coming on here) as it is. I keep asking hubby as he doesn't always seem happy in his job and I reckon he'd be good. I always wonder what the neighbours must think... all these people coming and going leaving with bags. Saying that our neighbours didn't notice when we got burgled in the daytime where they nicked off with our laptops and James guitar on a stolen bike so they probably would just think we had loads of friends.lol.
Time to curl up on our new sofa. Its soooooooo comfy so it has to be done.
P.S. Caroline - your dogs look so cute! Would love to have a dog but after our dog died I developed an allergy.

Our cat Milly is cute tho (when she's not stealing baubles off the tree or scratching at our bedroom door at 6am like she has done this week just cos she wants attention!)