5:2 lover
Tell me about it - my sweet tooth is just ridiculous!!xx
Should I tell you I just made a white chocolate & raspberry parfait?
Tell me about it - my sweet tooth is just ridiculous!!xx
Only 1lbs this month with a week to go! Lexie I've stated the 5:2 today, can I drink black coffee while I'm fasting? X
First fasting day done, didn't eat until 7 last night (that's when my partner gets in from work) found it really easy, though I would need to eat at lunch time but I was that busy at work I didn't even think about it. Probably ended up having nearer 600 cals that the 500 but I just need to plan my meals better in future. Must say I'm looking forward to breakfast this morning and I don't normally bother! I'm hoping I can lose 2lbs a week doing this x