5:2ing. Ruth's Journey!

Amazing loss Ruth! 13s soon...! Love the bag idea too x

Thank you :)

The bag is lovely! I don't often buy myself things so it was a bit of a treat! Can't wait to get into the 13s! How are you doing?

Amazing well done 9lb off in 2 weeks and all those health benefits already. Delighted for you, enjoy your new bag :D
Amazing well done 9lb off in 2 weeks and all those health benefits already. Delighted for you, enjoy your new bag :D

Thank you I am very pleased!
I do feel great, literally like I have lifted a weight off me!

Thanks I am so excited to finally take it out of its bag!! How are you doing?

Well done on your loss Ruth :)
Wow, almost in the 13's already!
Can't wait to see a picture of your new bag, I'm a bit obsessed lol :rolleyes:xx
Thank you :) I know I can't wait to see those 13s! I love bags!!!! Definitely my guilty pleasure :)

How are you doing?

I'm really cross, but I'm not sure if I have a right to be!

Me and Dan were going to his mates house, they've just had a new baby that was prem and not well. I went out and bought some clothes and some really nice bath stuff for her etc. We were supposed to be going round, me to spend time with her and baby and Dan to spend time with his mate, play Xbox etc but his mate has messaged and its only him that's invited and there's other people there too.
The other day she said we have some bits of presents for you both here, when Dan went round they were all addressed personally to him and all for him. Now I'm not bothered about material possessions but I just think it's a bit much!

I have no friends in harrogate as they've all moved away and I struggle a bit, I just feel so hurt! I know how ridiculous this sounds, so should I say anything?

We message each other on Facebook and I wished her well at Christmas etc, bought her other daughter a present etc and just nothing.

I'm really cross, but I'm not sure if I have a right to be!

Me and Dan were going to his mates house, they've just had a new baby that was prem and not well. I went out and bought some clothes and some really nice bath stuff for her etc. We were supposed to be going round, me to spend time with her and baby and Dan to spend time with his mate, play Xbox etc but his mate has messaged and its only him that's invited and there's other people there too.
The other day she said we have some bits of presents for you both here, when Dan went round they were all addressed personally to him and all for him. Now I'm not bothered about material possessions but I just think it's a bit much!

I have no friends in harrogate as they've all moved away and I struggle a bit, I just feel so hurt! I know how ridiculous this sounds, so should I say anything?

We message each other on Facebook and I wished her well at Christmas etc, bought her other daughter a present etc and just nothing.


Oh sorry to hear this hun, people can be so mean.
It's obviously upset you so maybe you should bring it up? You'll only drive yourself crazy wondering why she's being like that, or could you maybe ask Dan to ask for you if you don't feel like you want to ask her yourself?
Chin up. People like that aren't really worth your time xx
Oh sorry to hear this hun, people can be so mean.
It's obviously upset you so maybe you should bring it up? You'll only drive yourself crazy wondering why she's being like that, or could you maybe ask Dan to ask for you if you don't feel like you want to ask her yourself?
Chin up. People like that aren't really worth your time xx

Yeah I think I will bring it up, Sat at home alone on a Friday night wasn't how I imagined my weekend starting! I know they aren't worth it, but he is always saying go out etc so I was excited about spending time with a girl! I know how silly that sounds.

Going to get some telly on, have a beer and chill. Thanks for the reply :)

Well he mentioned it, and I immediately got invited down as they were 'expecting' me but I had just got in the shower so apparently we are off down next Friday night instead! Oh well. These things happen!

2x Crumpets = 206
2 tsp Clover Light = 50
Black Coffee = 4
100ml 1% Milk = 40

Now, for lunch, I am unsure. I am on my own as Dan is at work. Possibly either pasta or tuna salad.

Beef mince burritos or chicken Madras curry!

Yum yum :)

P.s I would have been annoyed too about the situation with your friends! Glad its sorted now :)

Glad you're enjoying the fasting!!!
Yes thankfully it's sorted! Popping round next Wednesday!


4x Crumpets = 412
2 tsp Clover Light = 50
Black Coffee = 4
100ml 1% Milk = 40
(Then I discovered that the butter had gone mouldy so nipped to Asda for flora light which is much less calories!!)

1x Waitrose Pain Au Chocolat (my parents came round) = 300
Mini Kievs x8 = 392
1 Tbsp American Mustard = 30
1 Tbsp Barbeque Sauce = 21
2 x Mini Satsumas = 20
1x Pear = 47

2x OEP Wholemeal Tortilla Wraps = 238
50g Cathedral City Light = 220
100g 0% Fat Greek Yog = 52
4 x Gin = 230
1 Bottle NAS Peach Water = 8


Not too bad. Very sore head this morning :/ didn't feel hungry last night but should have had more to eat!!!!

Today is looking like this:

I am currently in Wetherspoons but having a kids breakfast which is 502...

Then curry at Akbars in Leeds this afternoon :)

Definitely how hangovers are sorted ;)
Dan had a large breakfast....


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Hope you've had a good weekend Ruth, my man is called Dan as well :) what days are you fasting this coming week? I'm going to do Tuesday Thursday x x
Hope you've had a good weekend Ruth, my man is called Dan as well :) what days are you fasting this coming week? I'm going to do Tuesday Thursday x x

It's been lovely thanks! Just a bit too heavy and feeling a bit bloated now! Will sort it all tomorrow! I think that for the year I was born (1990) and Dan in 1989 Daniel was the most common name for a boy.... ;) I only knew him by his surname up until last year. He is Scottish and it is a right mouthful!!!

I think I may do three, Monday Tuesday and Thursday as I have had a very heavy time and its my mum's birthday on Wednesday too! I know this isn't the way it's supposed to be but it counteracts all of the badness!

Hope you're well!


Wetherspoons Children's Breakfast = 502
Coffee = 4

Orange x2 = 20
0% Fat Yogurt Liberte = 87

1/2 Pint Liefmans Kriek = 102
1/2 Pint Pilsner Urquell = 74
1/2 Pint Real Ale = 85
2 Poppadums & Pickle Tray = 200
Lamb Chops = 200
1/2 Peshwari Naan = 191
Mushroom, Potato, Lamb and Chicken Curry (Tandoor) = 300
1 Jug Water = 0

= 1762/2000 and that's with a little bit of guess work!!!!

This is why I need 3 fasts!!! ;)

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