5 stone challenge

night team , remember if anyone wants to come and vent , or feels they need the extra push to stay 100% post away , all here for eachother ... lets not let another xmas pass us by , i'll be on tomorrow now as bed has asked where i am ..... night night x
Good Morning ladies!

My start weight is now 10st 8 if you could add that on please MsJMC :)

It's lovely to see such a lot of activity on here - welcome newbies!! It was such a great support when we all started, let's get it going again.

MsJMC - yup I went swimming Tuesday night, it was great. I felt so good for doing some exercise - I did 34 lengths which is half a mile at that pool...quite an achievement considering I haven't swam for about 8 years!

I had a crappy day yesterday though, was completely off the diet but it was very difficult - I had to go to London for a training day, left the house at 5am, got home at 9.30pm! I was exhausted!! Got a nice porridge at the station for breakfast which was fine but then had lunch provided and it was all totally un-diet friendly food (not a lettuce leaf in sight!) and then we all went to cafe rouge at euston for dinner so I had a baguette there - I must have eaten double my points.

I'll write it off as a bad day & try & forget about it but am abit annoyed coz it's like you break your diet because you're in a situation that you can't control.

Back on plan today but expecting a gain at my weigh in tomorrow :-( x x
curvykat , how is slimming world going for you ?
claire , aww it seemed like this couldn't really be helped ... how did it seem having these foods , was you full ?
wow thats alot 34 lengths . its been many more years sice i went swimming , will update your weight too .
which method is everyone doing diet wise ?
you know i am still sorting which one , so far had a banana.
going to have a look on here for a diet . i am unsure i can do vlcd at the moe , whos been watching Emmerdale ? where Jacksons mum in it has lost 5 stone since Jan this year on LL , pauline her real name .
she was looking very hefty , she said she thought she would always look like she did , she feels so much better for losing weight , she sleeps better more energy too .
see i'm a diet that starts out strong then life challenges get in the way , this time emotional strggles , but really no more excues i will never get to goal , ok who wants to work out how long till xmas and what they hope to be by then ?
At the moment i'm reading 100 days of weight Loss .
its got about the scales your love hate relationship with them , i must say i daily go on them which its not doing me any good as in the start of the diet i tend to be smiles as the weight drops off then become to hate them its starts to set me back as i'm not seeing results , after all its just a number but it makes a big impact on my diet , so is it wise to get rid . i mean ban them from the house , i'm confused.com lol
how do you all feel about the scales ?
I felt horrible after what I ate yesterday, bloated and sick and rubbish! Just shows that if you put the right fuel into your body you definitely feel better. I feel really fed up today but I'm sure that it's because I'm tired and had such a bad day yesterday with my diet.

Yeah I was proud of the swimming, I want to do more but just still don't feel confident going alone so I'll have to just go when my mate can go with me. I felt so good after it.

I think my goal is to be 9stone 7 by christmas. I'm not going to beat myself up if I don't hit it but I'd like to be somewhere close to that by Christmas morning!

It's a difficult choice on what diet to do MsJMC, I can understand your dilemma. I think you need to choose one that you know you can stick to for the long term (like ww for me) vlcd obv work but they're so hard to stick to for very long that you get into a cycle of starting the diet and then breaking it which is just horrid because you always feel that you're failing.

Have you got any further with your decision on what to do yet?

The scales is an interesting one...I get on them almost every day and for me they help, I know that my weight fluctuates throughout the week and I don't get too down about it. I find it interesting to see that I weigh more depending on what I've eaten the day before etc. I think for me I've avoided the scales for so long (hence why I put weight on) that now it's good for me to get on them each morning and not be scared of them. It's whether you can be objective about it rather than being upset if they're not going down daily. They will go down eventually if you're sticking to a diet!

Hope that helps? x x
I'm doin ok I think, seems to b very easy but then again until I get on the scales won't know if I'm doin it right lol. Lots to eat but don't seem to b using many syns which I'm told isn't good! Gotta get round to sum exercise I think! How r u doin?? Decided what plan to follow yet?
Morning Crew , how are we all ?
Claire keep that feeling in your mind if your ever in this situation again ...I think we sometimes give ourselfs excuses to eat by saying , ho i have a Barbie or party or wedding and all these demons come into our heads of what we are going to do before we even get there to the event lol I know i'm one of these people lol .
which plan well girls , as yesterday started great but didn't end great i'm going all or nothing thats right , VLCD , i will finish what i have here which is a wk worth then i'll go cleb slim in superdrug , they were selling off tony ferguson diet in boots , but unless an offer its superdrug as i dont want to shell out another 100 for a month of exante .
Curycat , the syns , i always thought if you wanted a good weight loss to drop the syns ? am i right right or wrong ? anyone know the answer , put it on a postcard lol .
Ok , here I go again , ready for the headache and feeling cold again , gee am i bonkers lol
Really i just am at a point where i can't keep wearing the same old clothes and feeling breathless and my hip is giving me some stick , hey i'm a right off lol ....
OK , tell me how is everyone eles , have i uplifted there mood or are they more depressed now lol .
claire you will go it alone soon once your fighting fit , my sisters do , swim alone from time to time after all you can't do to much talking in the pool , as your mouth will fill with water lol.
Tell me who uplifts your mood ? I always have a smile on my face when watching peter Andre , and watching him with the kids , was watching it last night . hey wheres katie price gone of our tellies are we missing her lol
Hi Girls!! I'm back, sorry about that, fell of the wagon slightly!! will weigh in in the morning to see exactly how much damage I have done. Have decided to do Exante TS until I go on holiday in august, I seemed to do so much better when I didn't eat any proper food. Eating a little bit seems to make me want more. I'm going to start in the morning, I've got just under 7 weeks til we go away, 43 days in fact, as of tomorrow. It'll fly by, I know I can do it!! not looking forward to getting back into ketosis, although it wasn't actually that bad last time, I think the idea of it is worse.

In answer to your question Jackie what lifts my mood, just watched an idiot abroad for the first time and it was really funny, Michael McIntyre is the best, loved him on Britain's got talent and the Hoff, also love love love, Eddie Izzard, seen him live a couple of times, he's a genius. But of course losing weight lifts my mood the most, I must remember this the next time I feel the urge to gorge on something!!

Goodnight all, will update my weight in the morning, :)
My weight today is 14 st 9.5 lbs which is not too bad considering, at least I didn't go back into the 15's, hope you all have a lovely day x
Welcome back Sarah
we have about the same time on vlcd . i go away on the 6th august .
wondering how much we can lose on the diet ?
i have todo this , well yesterday went with a slight wobbly but did not eat to much . but could have been full 100%
thats it with k , the headache . i think in 3 wks you can do a stone , then after its a stone a month .
keep your eye on the prize you know this holiday is your reason to melt down :)
i have some exante some w8 some cd , lol counted its 9 days worth . then will be cleb slim i think .
will update sarah ,
hows everyone ? whats everyones plans today ? i can't seem to get going today .... why ho why lol
Hi all!
I've still not looked at that WW cd, haven't had the time bit tomorrow my fella is at work all day so I'm going to go through it then. I hope I can find the CD tomorrow now! haha.
I've not been bad with food this week but not counted or followed a particular diet... Oops.

Hope everyone is doing ok :)
Hclaire .
With the WW its just pro points and you work out protein , carb,fat, fiber , in the end you think i'm not hungry now by the time you use the wheel lol ... its just a case of getting used to it. there is a free cal on here too .
yes postive thinking and you can do this .
hows everyone ?
i'm out today , a barbie ho , another test .
well lets see what happens Tuesday guys
Hello ladies

Hope everyone's weeks are going well? I'm on a sts this week but am not too bothered about it, ive been swimming twice and am going again tomorrow so that's really good, nice to feel I'm doing some exercise!

Sarah & Jackie, how are your vlcd's going? I'm so increased that you're following them, I would love to do it even just for a couple of weeks to give my weight loss a boost but I know I'd never stick it. Well done both of you!

Hclaire - any luck looking at ww disc yet? My mum has started on it today after seeing how much I've lost on it so fingers crossed she'll do well too!

Have had a horrible sticky day here today, it's needed to rain and hasn't so it's very uncomfortable. Hope it's been better where ever you all are!

Claire x x
good morning Team .... now don't be shy come on , let us know how your weigh in went .
Firstly well my weight is 1 pound heavier , but i know why , womens things ....
So i'll add my gain , and it should pan out next tuesday .
I'm on a countdown as you know till aug 6th . which is ....40 days till the day .
Not looking good with all these jobs going , my son will find out soon if he will be kept on , god its doom and glum .
Claire , it was so hot yesterday , you would be better off outside last night ... yes and no rain really came , where did it go lol .
OK sts its ok .... lets have a result next week from us both , and anyone eles have they stepped on the scales come on tell us, we won't tell you off , or will we lol .
so its 40 days for me of vlcd , i know that day 12 or 13 its very hard for me and i start to lose my way .... it happens all the time to me i lose my postive head , any tips to keep me on track ?
Think of clothes think no you have to slim to fit into your clothes you already have otherwise i'll be limited , one reason , number two is i tend to walk slow so all this must be thought about when i start to have negative thoughts .
Does anyone eles have this too after say week 2 or 3 ?
right be looking forward to your results today will update tonight
Hello, is it too late to join in? I started my diet last week and I have lost 10lbs. Would my start weight be from my actual start or from todays weight? Thats if you let me join in of course :)
Currently I am 17.3st
Hi Laura , I can't see why not as its the first week of a new start , Welcome aboard .
I will take you start then i'll put what you've lost which is , wait for it , DRUM ROLL of 10 pound , wow , Fab , I see your on your own VLCD , tell us more about that .
so if you like to give me your start weight and your weight now will be great , i'm Jackie btw .
On start on VLCD too , a mix of exante , w8 and CD ... until it runs out which won't be long then its cleb slim .... me thinks .
Easily the heaviest here.....eugh!
Start weight 17st 13lbs
Current weight 17st 3lbs

Which day is weigh in day?