im liking this stuff about talking about ourselves
well im samantha, 23 years old from plymouth in devon. i work part time in a residential home, and am a full time university student, studying towards a degree in health and social care studies, im hoping to go on to own and manage my own residential home as ive seen so much corruption working in the care industry that i dont like e.g. everything revolving around money at the expense of the residents who are vulnerable, i want to give them what they deserve
i live with my boyfriend andy who ive been with for 2 and a half years (u do less time for murder lol) in a nice little flat, which i love because its ours

we share it with our baby yellow lutino cockatiel named Ollie, our collie x kelpie puppy Prince and our 10 - yes TEN - rats: Ashen, Rosie, Fudge, Patch, Lucky, Star, Chester, Jim, Duke and Dodger. so its a cross between a pet shop and a zoo and i love it lol
weight wise ive always been big, habits picked up from my mum (whose weight has always been up and down) have rubbed off on me i think and im now the biggest ive ever been, 16st 9lbs, surprised ive got to this size with barely noticing it, that sounds really stupid but the saying that weight "creeps up on you" is true for me
i want to lose weight for a few reasons, mainly to feel better about the way i look, to have more confidence when i finally get my degree as i cant be a 'shy' manager/owner, that wouldnt work at all. also losing weight would make things better on my knee as im likely to get arthritis in it (had my cartilage removed when i was young) and will hopefully relieve my symptoms of pcos (cysts on my ovaries) at least a little bit
im very much an emotional and bored eater - happy, sad, whatever, i just eat, if im bored i eat, if im busy im ok until i stop being busy then i make up for lost time and eat eat eattttt lol
ive never really tried diets with any kind of real commitment, i tend to like the idea of a diet and thats as far as i get, i dont get round to actually 'doing' the diet, probably explains why im so big now
that said, i did try JUDDD (a vlcd on alternate days) a while ago and got down to 15st 8lbs (the lightest ive been in a long time) but fell off the wagon in a major way and that was the end of that
ive recently pulled a muscle behind my breast bone so have had the perfect excuse not to exercise, but in all seriousness it scared me a bit, my chest felt really tight, its how i'd imagine the start of a heart attack feels, and its not something i want to feel again so need to lose weight to avoid having a real heart attack at some point in my life!
im a very strong willed person in most aspects of my life (food isnt one of those areas obviously lol) so need to re-focus my stubborn streak on food and exercise and start moving my fat bum so it can eventually shrink!
ideally i want to be 9 stone, which has always been some kind of 'magic' weight or something that ive always wanted to get down to but never actually have