why oh why did i do it again.......
Damn good question. No easy answers. Here's one, though:
You see, when we’re fat, we often have a low opinion of ourselves. We don’t like the way we look and we often feel very self-conscious, especially if someone passes a comment about our figure. Result? We tell ourselves that we are not as good as other people. We tell ourselves that we are a failure. And after we’ve said it enough times, we end up believing it. We end up believing we are a failure.
So when we try to lose weight, we are beaten before we start. We are so convinced that we’re a failure that we never put our heart into it. We might give up chocolate and biscuits for a couple of weeks but we don’t take it seriously. And we don’t believe for a moment that we’re really going to get slim. Why not? Because that little negative voice in our head is saying: You’re a failure! You’re fat! You’re never going to lose weight!
Well, it’s time to change! Instead of telling yourself all this negative rubbish, say something
positive, for a change! For example, say this to yourself:
"I want to be slim. So I am going to stick like glue to Cambridge and learn how to control my cravings. And if I have a bad day, I’ll stop dieting until the problem passes and then I’ll start again. And
nothing is going to stop me, BECAUSE I AM STRONG ENOUGH TO SUCCEED!!"
Say this paragraph out loud to yourself. Go on, don’t be embarrassed, say it! And go on saying it every day! Say it when you get up, say it at lunchtime and say it in the evening. If necessary, cut it out and put it somewhere you can see it.
You see, words change us. And it doesn’t matter who says them. As long as we hear them often enough, we end up believing them. So start saying these positive words to yourself and see the difference it makes! You’ll find dieting ten times easier.
And don’t imagine for one moment that it’s not going to work. This technique is used every day all over the world to persuade people to change their habits. You may have heard of it. It’s called advertising!
taken from: Positive Dieting - How to Stay Motivated and Lose Weight and shamelessly paraphrased to suit.
this is taken from Lillys post , helpful