hi Sarah , with exante its about 100 for a month 25 a wk if you get the bumpper pack , which they are nice , some say the tom soup is yuck some say the choc has a smell thats not nice but its ok really .
I think sarah you really have to want to change to make the diet work , as me i have failed so many times and what that does is make me angry , so i then fail again... its only have a 100% day that i feel yes i'm happy cos i made it 100% , then next day you do the same , but yes any vlcd is a shock to start with , because you have first day where you think god i'm starving , but really day 3 or 4 should get you feeling better think day 4 more so , so if you can make it , true to think of the diet as a life changing move to an end result engry, you have to start the right time , so do the diet when you think ok day 4 is when your going to be up , but for me i'm more awake on this diet .
my friend joins ww , sw , then back to ww , she has not lost , only money , that book will really help , her words are so right , its not starting a diet its staying on a diet, its day 7 for me today , you know i have had a few dark moments , but over riding them . thinking you can't go back only forward now .
keep busy sarah also , but you never know what days coming on any diet , but keep thinking postive thoughts , say i'd rather not have that food rather than say no i can't . let us know what your going todo we are all here .