Welshtigger said:Ditto Linhave just got the first one on my kindle app
just read the first 2 chapters now x
If you want the others let me know I'll email you them
Haven't read them the hypes put me off lol
Mumma K said:Ok I have now after hearing about this here and various people raving about the book on FB
Kindled all 3 lol
Welshtigger said:I did that with the first one, and started it this afternoon-am 4 chapters in already! It'll give me something to read on the train on Sunday
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Omg!! So much for an early night eh!! Just read another 7 chapters!! Oops! Lol
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ginlin said:Gosh!
I must be a really slow reader, as I only managed a couple of pages last night, as I was falling to sleep!
Mind you, that could have been because I had drunk a bottle of wine!
MadameLaMinx said:Dya know, I can say this here and people will a) Know that Im barking anyway so take no notice or b) perhaps understand what I am saying.
During the reading process... I felt kind of... different? It wasnt an obvious "reading smut" type of different, more an electrical anticipation type of different. Like a genuine excitement to find out what happened. Never been affected by a book like that. Most bizarre. Wonder if it will be the same on the second read. Almost frightened to try and find out.
Yours sincerely, Minxo-el-bonkers.