How the hell are they gonna rate the movie lol! If they even consider Kirsten Stewart I will not be impressed. Hmm Clive Owen would be a rather good choice (IMO ) for Christian though I think ( can't remember) that Christians meant to be blonde... I'm afraid blondes don't do anything for me.
kim63 said:Have just heard on my local radio station that Fifty Shades of Grey is the best ever selling paperback of all times, even over that 'dreadful' childrens book Harry Potter! They are also making a film of it, so who do you reckon will play Christian & Ana?!
kim63 said:My fave's for Christian would be......
Wentworth Miller - from Prison Break
Ian Somerhalder - from Vampire Diaries
Henry Cavill - from The Tudors
Alexander Skarsgard - from True Blood
Jonothan Ryhs Meyers - from The Tudors
Who's everyones fave bit of hottie tottie??
Found this link as well.......
sixey said:Omg I so love the first book, lol. I got a new kindle at the weekend and spent Sunday evening downloading 42 books from my amazon account. Now I have got lots of books to read after my op on Thursday, i wilI just have to stop smirking welshmen u read grey, lol
I may be the only person in the world who does not like these books :0 sorry to everyone who does but ana just gets on my nerves want to give her a good shake! Kind of want to know what happens but don't think I could read 2 more books of her lol
ginlin said:I'm not to enthralled with the first one at the moment either
Lynne I've not been able to put it down from
Chapter 7
kim63 said:Am a quarter the way thru the 2nd book & to be honest Im getting a bit bored of their jiggy jig lol!