Hi Vanda! I'm good thanks, didn't have chance to update last night after WI because I got in super late from salsacise! How are you?
30 June 2010
So, I weighed in last night, and had lost another 1.5lbs! Was pretty chuffed, as I hadn't made the best choices all week (notably, spending 11points on fudge and chocolate-covered cinder toffee on Friday), but I had finished the week without being in defecit, and earnt 18points. Yes, I watched the first half of the England match from the cross-trainer at my gym (and then hurried home at half-time!).
I was pretty pleased, although I'm not going to be where I wanted to be, on Friday, when my boyfriend visits from Holland, but I'm only 2lbs over, so hey
I was given a bit of a boost when I weighed in on esource, and found I'd hit my 5%! Hoorah!
Although I'm SO looking forward to seeing my OH this week, I am NOT looking forward to the stress it will be on WW!! Especially as his mum and sister are coming for the first weekend of his stay, too (they want to meet my parents). Here's an example why:
Me: Where would you like to eat on Saturday? I was thinking a light lunch / brunch at a coffee shop or somewhere, then we could go to the Indian or the Spanish (we love them both).
Him: Let's go to the Indian for an early lunch. Then we can go to the Spanish for a late tea
AAA!! I love him to bits, but he doesn't understand the reason I'm asking so many questions about where he wants to eat is so I can plan
Well, he does UNDERSTAND why, but he doesn't EMPATHISE- unlike you lovely forum friends (surely we're all obsessed with food? Right?). I find I'm more obsessed now, before I'd just eat whatever, and not really care!
But yes, here are my food plans for the weekend:
I'll have 14.5 points saved, and get 18 a day.
Friday: early Indian (tandoori chicken, salad, maybe a couple of popadoms: 10)
Spanish: (sharing some garlic prawns - 4.5, patatas bravas - 4, chicken - 4, chorizo - 4.5) - 17 :X
Maybe some sangria: 3 (and probably more if I start >_>)
So in total, looking at around 30-35 (12-17 points over. If I go 17 over, banked points: -2.5)
Saturday: Coffee shop lunch (i.e. salad for me
DD): around 8ish
Home made iranian food (lamb and rice): 10
Home made iranian dessert: 4
Alcohol: 8
Total : total: 30. Banked points total: -14.5
healthy breakfast: 2.5
Sushi: around 12
tea: 0point salad
total: 14.5 Banked points total: -11
14 point day. Banked points total: -7
So I expect to go over by about 7points. Not too bad, if I stick to it ^^ I am going to weigh in next week though, just so I can keep on track. I'll just drag the fella with me!