Hi guys...thought i'd better check in as you'll all think i've left!! Not been weighed for two weeks, missed 1st June one as I felt i'd put on 1lb and didn't want to spoil it, fully intended to go week after, but had completely forgotten that was my Birthday (8th) so I couldn't go as we were out for meal with friends smack bang in middle of SW class. Never mind, i'm going this week whatever!! xxx
Hello all, just catching up on all your posts.
Mich - loving the hair!
Well girls i lost 1.5lbs today - just 12.5lbs to go! Hurrah!
Hi Krups, thanks I loved my hair for Derby, bit dark but you can just about see my lovely bun!! Well done on your 1.5lb, I must get back this week xxx


I do think I'm edging towards a 16 - 18 now (down from a 22) but gee sometimes clothes are made on the snug side! ha ha ha
Hope everyone's having a good week?! I am.. on track for another 100% sw day!
Seriously, it's so easy to stick to plan now.. food seems like such a luxury after slim fast! LOL.
Hope everyone's doing great - trying to up my water (hello fellow race horse bb!) and currently on my 8th glass and 6th toilet trip (that's just since being at work.. and they are big glasses

) x
Hi Elaine, get you skinny minny almost at a size 16, I am in size 14 pants now as all my size 18s look completely ridiculous on me now. I think my weight loss must've given me a new found confidence as well as my luck on the man front has been amazing!! Snogged 4 guys two weeks ago on a night out near me (hahaha bad i know!), then week after I went to Derby for my birthday and copped off with a bloke from there!! Then at the beginning of this week I started to talk to a male friend of one of my friends and he asked me if i'd like to meet up next time he's in the area (he lives in Birmingham). Then this Thursday, my hairdresser asked me if I wanted to go on a blind date with the brother of one of her clients. After lots of protests I finally agreed to take his number and later on I texted him...we texted for two and a half hours then all the next day, then he asked me out for a meal on Saturday for my birthday, we went, had a great time, then he invited me round to his place tonight so he could cook for me, so thats where i've been. Had a lovely time. So two dates in, looking good, altogether girls...'love is in the air, do do do, do do do...'. xxx :candledinner::bliss::character00100:
Well I've only got 12.5lbs to go till target but I think I've maybe set my target weight too high at 9st 7. When I see myself in the mirror I still see a fat piggywig so don't know what to do. I'll be a size 12 at target (currently a 14) so maybe should be satisfied with that? I know my current target is maintainable and I don't want to set a target I can't maintain so confused.com. We'll see...Have a great day everyone!
Well done Krups, you're doing brilliantly, I still see a fatty in the mirror myself but other people keep telling me different. See how you feel at your current target, nothing is set in stone xxx
Argh... WI today! Not feeling very positive!
Good luck xxxxxxx
Jooloo? Krups? Leanne and bump? Mich (have a good birthday, eh? cake for us? please

) GGS? BB?
I'm away this weekend.. in need of motivation (haha)
and yes Jooloo my love, as soon as I can fit in to it. hahah xx
Ooh i didn't get any cake, more to the point i didn't get any presents either :cry: It's rubbish being older, no-one feels they have to get you presents!! Had a lovely time though, had a few nights out and celebrations and also found myself a new man so not too shabby! xxx
hiyaa everyone, sorry i havent been on ive been away

but ive put on 4lb !!!!!!! But ive had a nice time and i now back on it !! xxxxxxx
Ah GGS, it happens...stick with it! Glad to see you back xxx
Well I'm not sure how after my sneaky peeking (!) I think my scales must be off the boil cos the batteries low but I lost 2lbs!!! Yey!!!
Leader said to me today that maybe I should be thinking about saying I was at goal rather that waiting till around 10 st....
Feel a bit confused cos I was talking to my mum yesterday and saying that I feel like I can't be bothered anymore now I'm in healthy weight range and she said that I shouldn't give up now when I've done so well..
I'm thinking I'm going to get hubby to take some photos of me in my underwear and see what I think, as weird as that sounds. How are you meant to decide what weight you want to be indeffinately?Random!!
WELL DONE!! Yes seeing yourself in pictures is a good incentive xxx
Hey guys
Jooloo, well done on reaching goal!! fab job!! If you're happy where you are now, then good for you. Although just be aware that now you're at goal you've gotta maintain otherwise before you know it that scale will start to creep up!!
How are you all doing? I suspect that as we're coming to the end of June that most if not all of you are well on target to lose that 3stones?!
Wish I could say the same for me, damn i've been so off plan its funny, life all over the show right now, I've managed to squeeze in the exercise and am certainly fitter but the fat is just not melting away :cry: am quite close to giving up the whole thing and accepting the fact that am not gonna get under a size 18!
Anyhoo just saying hi as its been lllllloooooonnnnnnngggggggg time
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii TC19, we've missed you!! A few of us have been leaving messages for you on here saying come back!! You WILL get under size 18. I thought it was impossible as i've been that size for around 3 years, but i've done it now in a couple of months!! So can you! Welcome back xxx