Gold Member
Morning everyone!! :coffee:
Well it's a new week and a completely new start for me! Haven't updated much, and that's because I haven't even done it all week!I even went out for TGI's last night... and I'm talking 2 courses... that full I didn't even have room for pudding! :sigh:
So I weigh in tonight... I think i've only put on a pound which I'm not too upset about but so annoyed with myself as I'm soooo close to target! I need to do at least 3... *yes 3!* 100% weeks and then hopefully i'll be at target... i'm allowing myself to the 1st May!
So just wanted to say good luck to us all for the week ahead and :girlpower:
Katie xx
Good luck for tonight Katie. Wow - you're so close to target - must feel great!
Morning Katiem. I have had a pretty good week so hoping for a loss tonight but off work this week so probably not going to stay on diet. 100%.
Good luck for tonight Amy! I'll keep my fingers crossed.