Amy, Leanne and Krups - hope you feel better soon! Don't worry too much about bad weekend - you can pull it round with ss and lots of water!
Nice to hear from you mich and gonnagetskinny
For those ttc, hopefully we will have little 6 months to sexy babies to talk about this time next year
Bigbear - fingers crossed for a good wi hun, sounds like we are the same shape! But most of my clothes are an 18 now (whoo :bliss

sometimes a 20 feels better. My waist is so small in comparison to the rest of me and have hugggee hips - HUgE! wish I could just Slice them off!
Disappointed in myself tonight guys.Feeling down about a number of things and it spiralled from about 10am... 3 course meal, galaxy bar, cup cake, mothers day chocolate, CHEESE ON TOAST!!!
Wish I had more self control.. Cant believe myself sometimes. I am NOT looking forward to weigh in tomorrow :-(