Yeah they sure do but you are doin fantastic!!
Get your other pack ready & you will be fine.
I am off to bed will catch up with you in the morning
Oh hun I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope she's allowed home today.
The ketosis fairy should be visiting you soon and then you can delete hunger from the equation!
Well done for sticking to plan in such horrible circumstances. I'm very much an emotional eater and find that half the battle when on this diet.
Had a fabulous day diet wise just rubbish in all other aspects. I live with my auntie who is not very well, docs say she might not make it to Xmaswhich we are hoping is absolute bullshit seeing as they get it wrong all the time. She's had 3 heart attacks this year and was getting chest pain tonight so was rushed into a&e. Luckily they have ruled another heart attack out but they're keeping her in overnight to be on the safe side. Literally only just got home and I'm up at 7
((( hope ketosis kicks in and gives me such much needed energy xx
Oh so sorry to hear that chick.
You will be done in with all that.
Gorgeous lady so you are.
Oh that sounds good a wee 8 week challenge help keep you on the straight & narrow.
Oh my god I have had the hungriest day EVER! All started this morning when I went to work & everyone in my team was sitting around me eating breakfast rolls with hot steamy creamy lattes. Struggled through the day & got home to have my shake with my 2 boiled eggs. My hubbies friend has chickens so he sent us home some eggs now I am all for this free range malarkey but for a start they where boggin still have chicken poop on them. Straight away I was like right ok I am not eating those but he talked me into it, cleaned them & boiled them but bejeezus they where a buggar to peel all the shell coming off in the tiniest bits!!! Could have cracked him one, If I had boiled my happy eggs it would have been fine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh rant over.
Feel better already.
Anyhoo had 2 pickled eggs instead with my shake but I wanted hot boiled eggs.
Determined I am gonna stick to this.
It's much better if everyone is on the same wave length. (-apart from your bosses with the doughnuts!) clearly they are trying to sabotage diet club! Ha ha.