6 weeks to skinnydom

I'm even up in the night for a wee sometimes - really!!! I am only 30 for crying out loud my bladder should be able to cope LOL

Ooh today has been loooong!! And I'm feeling really hungry and my graze box has just been delivered. Only had 3 packs today so gonna make another and resist temptation. Dying to just be in ketosis, first few days always seem to last forever!! xx
Yeah they sure do but you are doin fantastic!!

Get your other pack ready & you will be fine.

I am off to bed will catch up with you in the morning

Had a fabulous day diet wise just rubbish in all other aspects. I live with my auntie who is not very well, docs say she might not make it to Xmas :( which we are hoping is absolute bullshit seeing as they get it wrong all the time. She's had 3 heart attacks this year and was getting chest pain tonight so was rushed into a&e. Luckily they have ruled another heart attack out but they're keeping her in overnight to be on the safe side. Literally only just got home and I'm up at 7 :(((( hope ketosis kicks in and gives me such much needed energy xx
Oh hun I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope she's allowed home today.

The ketosis fairy should be visiting you soon and then you can delete hunger from the equation!
Well done for sticking to plan in such horrible circumstances. I'm very much an emotional eater and find that half the battle when on this diet.

Oh hun I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope she's allowed home today.

The ketosis fairy should be visiting you soon and then you can delete hunger from the equation!
Well done for sticking to plan in such horrible circumstances. I'm very much an emotional eater and find that half the battle when on this diet.


Thanks hun, me too. On to day three, swapped my shift at work so I'm starting at 12 and had a couple of extra hours sleep, still not wanting to go in. Gonna have a shower, shake then crack on. Not gonna be able to go visiting at the hospital because I'm working til 8 again. How depressing xx
Had a fabulous day diet wise just rubbish in all other aspects. I live with my auntie who is not very well, docs say she might not make it to Xmas :( which we are hoping is absolute bullshit seeing as they get it wrong all the time. She's had 3 heart attacks this year and was getting chest pain tonight so was rushed into a&e. Luckily they have ruled another heart attack out but they're keeping her in overnight to be on the safe side. Literally only just got home and I'm up at 7 :(((( hope ketosis kicks in and gives me such much needed energy xx

Oh so sorry to hear that chick.

You will be done in with all that.

Oh so sorry to hear that chick.

You will be done in with all that.


Work have been really nice and told me to go home but don't see the point. I'd only mope about and feel worse, at least I can keep my mind off everything here. Took me half an hour to get a shake down me this morning, don't have an appetite at all! Think it's a mix of ketosis and worry. Feel like it's always one step forward 10000000 steps back all the time! I'm not going to use this as an excuse to stuff my face, not that I particularly want to, at least it's one thing in my life I'm in control of at the moment. Sorry for all the depressing posts, I'm usually a much happier person! xxx
Well we are here for the highs & lows.

I am sure we will all have to experience this at some point & you will be there to support us.

Chin up babe

D xxx
So some people from my work have decided to start a diet club for 8 weeks seeing as it's 8 weeks to xmas. We get weighed every Monday and put a pound into the diet pot, whoever has lost the most by the end of it wins the pot. This has actually made my day! I'm so competitive (and also skint) I'm gonna make sure I win. Not sure it's fair that I'm on a super strict diet but I suppose if they want to win they could always do the same one! I've decided that I'm not actually going to find out my weight though, just have it written down and see if I win at the end... Which I will!! Haha xxx
So here are some of my "before and after" pics, the other is one from this weekend. Just got that one last push to be at goal but need to remind myself how far I have already come sometimes xxx


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Gorgeous lady so you are.

Oh that sounds good a wee 8 week challenge help keep you on the straight & narrow.

Oh my god I have had the hungriest day EVER! All started this morning when I went to work & everyone in my team was sitting around me eating breakfast rolls with hot steamy creamy lattes. Struggled through the day & got home to have my shake with my 2 boiled eggs. My hubbies friend has chickens so he sent us home some eggs now I am all for this free range malarkey but for a start they where boggin still have chicken poop on them. Straight away I was like right ok I am not eating those but he talked me into it, cleaned them & boiled them but bejeezus they where a buggar to peel all the shell coming off in the tiniest bits!!! Could have cracked him one, If I had boiled my happy eggs it would have been fine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh rant over.

Feel better already.

Anyhoo had 2 pickled eggs instead with my shake but I wanted hot boiled eggs.

Determined I am gonna stick to this.

Wow you've done amazing. Keep the piccies up to give you motivation!!
You'll win that competition too for sure! Just make sure no one tries to sabotage your diet by waving cakes around!
Gorgeous lady so you are.

Oh that sounds good a wee 8 week challenge help keep you on the straight & narrow.

Oh my god I have had the hungriest day EVER! All started this morning when I went to work & everyone in my team was sitting around me eating breakfast rolls with hot steamy creamy lattes. Struggled through the day & got home to have my shake with my 2 boiled eggs. My hubbies friend has chickens so he sent us home some eggs now I am all for this free range malarkey but for a start they where boggin still have chicken poop on them. Straight away I was like right ok I am not eating those but he talked me into it, cleaned them & boiled them but bejeezus they where a buggar to peel all the shell coming off in the tiniest bits!!! Could have cracked him one, If I had boiled my happy eggs it would have been fine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh rant over.

Feel better already.

Anyhoo had 2 pickled eggs instead with my shake but I wanted hot boiled eggs.

Determined I am gonna stick to this.


Hahaha that egg story actually made me laugh out loud!! Haa. Oohhh the pure torture!!

Glad you're feeling better!! Just think of the end results and when you're there if you want the odd treat you know you can in moderation and not feel guilty!! We'll stick to it together!! You've done so well today xxx
Aww thanks so much ladies!!

We're having a British Bake Off comp in 2 weeks so that will be a massive challenge!! The directors brought in cookies and doughnuts today which is a far too regular occurance and I resisted!!

Good thing about my work is everyone in there is on a diet! Hense diet club. Nobody judges me for being on shakes because loads of people are. Nothing like my old job where the girls used to ***** at me and tell me I should go to the gym like them, not because it was working for them! The minute I left they were trying s&s out!! Double standards. They failed, who'd have guessed? xxx
Oh god I just read that big boiled egg rant again haha!!

My work is the same loads of people on diets.

I dont get why people have to rain on your parade its our choice to eat or drink what we want is it not.

At least its better where you are now.

Yes we will do this together xxx
It's much better if everyone is on the same wave length. (-apart from your bosses with the doughnuts!) clearly they are trying to sabotage diet club! Ha ha.
It's much better if everyone is on the same wave length. (-apart from your bosses with the doughnuts!) clearly they are trying to sabotage diet club! Ha ha.

Haha they definitely are! At least there's loads of us doing it so should keep us well on track, weighing in front of each other as well... Eekkkk!!! I'll have to stay on track to cope with that!! xxx