6 weeks to skinnydom

Been awful today at work, can't wait for a couple of weeks off over Xmas!! Anyway here is a picture minus a tan, make up and 5lbs. Not much difference but we'll see as the weeks progress. So 12st3 to 11st12 xxx


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My auntie text me at 4am saying shed been having a nose bleed for over an hour and the morphine she is on is only easing the pain she's in not taking it away and she's really struggling breathing. Had a complete break down this morning and couldn't stop crying for well over an hour, feel it coming on again!! Not going in work, really not coping well at the moment. Can't bring myself to eat, I just feel sick. Has anyone else been through anything similar? How did you help yourself cope? Some days I'm fine but then I get more bad news and I'm an emotional wreck. Sorry for the depressing post just need somewhere to put my feeling down. Really not coping at the moment, just feel like it's too much xxx
Oh honey I am so sorry to hear that.

No wonder you are stressed its to be expected.

I havent really much experience with that do you have any other family members who can support you through this.

Wish I lived near you could go for a wee coffee & a chat.

Oh honey I am so sorry to hear that.

No wonder you are stressed its to be expected.

I havent really much experience with that do you have any other family members who can support you through this.

Wish I lived near you could go for a wee coffee & a chat.


That would be nice! My sister came round earlier which was nice, we've only just started talking again after nearly a year long feud, we have different dads so she's not related to my auntie but glad she's here for me. My mum is coming up and again she's not related to my auntie either but obviously knows her well. My dad is useless to say the least. One of my friends is coming round later as well so have got quite a few people supporting me but still just feel so lonely and useless xxx
Oh thats good hon.

I know what you mean with family feuds I have 2 sisters & a brother. Dont really talk to any of them!

Wish I could do something else to help you know I am almost always on here anyway if you need to chat.

Hi Amy,

I had written a big long reply to you and lost it!!

Firstly sorry to hear about your aunt- she's in the right place and hopefully she'll be feeling better soon.
Secondly, it's awful to hear that you're going through a tough time. I would suggest having a good cry, a good chat with a friend and be good to yourself.... I went through a tough time in work recently and my doctor advised me to make loads of simple changes. Now they all make common sense but at the time I just couldn't see the wood for the trees.
Go have yourself a nice cup of camomile tea, a relaxing bath- basically make time for yourself and your own headspace.
Hope you get the opportunity to talk it all out with a sympathetic listener xx
Oh hun that is so horrible. She's in the best place to get the care she needs. Make the most of getting it off your chest on here and with your sister and friend. You'll have waves of ups and downs. Definitely don't go into work, you need to get yourself sorted first.
I know it's a bit different but I understand your emotions - I sadly lost my father last Christmas while I was pregnant and during his battle we all went through so many emotions, but the best remedy was getting it all out, whether it be crying, ranting, laughing or therapeutically smashing stuff!!
Stay strong for your Aunty, and let your guard down and have a good cry when with others who will support you.
I hope she is ok sweetie and hopefully they will let her home soon, but not before she's ready.
Sending hugs xx
Thanks everyone. So nice to have people who you don't even know being supportive. Feel a lot better now I've had a good cry. Luckily my manager is really understanding and knows what I'm going through, they have seen me upset at work before and told me to go home but I've stayed, just couldn't face it today. Had to let it out of my system I think xxx
Thanks! Still feel rubbish but gone in work. Just want to go home to bed though. Been struggling keeping anything down so gonna have a salad, still on plan obviously just hope proper solids will ease my stomach. On a positive I'm back to 3 and a half total loss and only 15lbs to goal. Wonder if I can lose another pound or 2 this week to take me to less than a stone to lose. That would be good xxx
Well done on the loss and well done for sticking to plan through all this stress and unease. I hope the salad helps the icky feeling.
Still feel a bit sick but managed to keep it down. Still over an hour left in work then going seeing my auntie in hospital. I'm glad I'm on this diet while all this is happening, it may sound hallow but think it would make things worse if I felt fat as well as everything else going on. At least while I'm losing weight it's one part of my life that's going right xxx
Well thats another working week done. So happy to be away from the place!! Resisted chips from the guy sitting next to me, he was saying and doing everything he could to make me eat them!! Currently sat in the doctors waiting for a tetanus! Stood on a nail outside last night and it went through my foot. Sooo painful!! Always something with me ha. Only had one shake today, had lots of brews to keep me full but god I'm hungry now and nothing to eat until I get home xxx
Oh my goddddd ouchie!!!

Tetanus jabs are not bad tho.

I am finishing at 6.45 & it is not coming quick enough!

Ha I saw the needle and bottled it for about 5 minutes, felt like a right spanner when it went in and didn't hurt! Off in a date tonight to the Trafford centre playing crazy golf. Gonna look like a right Wally limping around ha. It's someone off pof as well so never even met him before. Absolutely no clue what to wear xxx