Thanks for that mini ~ I cant post the photo big like that
Do you honestly think I look better ~ I have my doubts. Everyone tells me I look very different but I JUST CANT SEE it. Maybe because I have never been negative about my weight and the way I look, my lovely Mum told me beauty comes from within (as does happiness and contentment) so I am very unaware of how I appear to others. (probably why I am so sodding fat !!) I find the whole weight and vanity issue very fickle, my Mum was beautiful but very large and I never considered her as anything other than a very gorgeous woman
Its really strange ~ the more weight I loose, the worse I think I look, ie baggy scraggy turtle neck !! wrinkles and flappy arms, legs and belly. I look in the mirror and its not really me and sometimes dont like what I see. OMG I need psyciatric help to not be fat !!!! Basically what I am trying to say without sounding like a total freak is that I like who I am and if I am brutily honest loosing the weight will not improve my life. I am blessed and am grateful for what I have got and not what I havent got like a size 10 body. What can Sharon gain by being that ??? This is why I cant slim at the moment I like who I am and where I am and I am very afraid of the changes that are happening to me and dont really like them.
I know I need to loose weight but I dont want people to behave different to me or see me differently, I still cant get used to the reaction I get when I see someone who I havent seen for ages. I am astounded by the way the treat me now.
This is very very deep and I will think about it and post again ~ dont know why but I am crying and feeling very very vunerable
I'll be back when mulled it over !!!