8lb in 3 days wey hey


WOW! Shaza what a difference!!!

I have just posted on another thread how easy it is to forget what we looked like before we started out on our weight loss journey as we do change so much both inside and out:)

Love Mini xxx
Thanks for that mini ~ I cant post the photo big like that

Do you honestly think I look better ~ I have my doubts. Everyone tells me I look very different but I JUST CANT SEE it. Maybe because I have never been negative about my weight and the way I look, my lovely Mum told me beauty comes from within (as does happiness and contentment) so I am very unaware of how I appear to others. (probably why I am so sodding fat !!) I find the whole weight and vanity issue very fickle, my Mum was beautiful but very large and I never considered her as anything other than a very gorgeous woman

Its really strange ~ the more weight I loose, the worse I think I look, ie baggy scraggy turtle neck !! wrinkles and flappy arms, legs and belly. I look in the mirror and its not really me and sometimes dont like what I see. OMG I need psyciatric help to not be fat !!!! Basically what I am trying to say without sounding like a total freak is that I like who I am and if I am brutily honest loosing the weight will not improve my life. I am blessed and am grateful for what I have got and not what I havent got like a size 10 body. What can Sharon gain by being that ??? This is why I cant slim at the moment I like who I am and where I am and I am very afraid of the changes that are happening to me and dont really like them.

I know I need to loose weight but I dont want people to behave different to me or see me differently, I still cant get used to the reaction I get when I see someone who I havent seen for ages. I am astounded by the way the treat me now.

This is very very deep and I will think about it and post again ~ dont know why but I am crying and feeling very very vunerable

I'll be back when mulled it over !!!
Do you honestly think I look better ~ I have my doubts.
Um yes just a little bit :eek:
Sharon there is a huge difference.
what I havent got like a size 10 body. What can Sharon gain by being that ???
If nothing else, your RA should improve with less weight to carry around
well done on the 8lbs, thats fantastic, excellent motivation.