Hey everyone!
Thank you so much for all of your comments! You are all fab! I'm so glad i found minimins and you guys you make my life so much better
Trash - Sadly i am in the same boat i have been looking on and off for work since beginning of April too when i left my job in a call centre after graduation. I am pleased that i have decided on what i want to do now (become a teacher) but it's so stressful that people don't seem to want to give us a chance. I spent 3 years getting a degree and spending nearly £20,000 for the privilidge (i was charged overseas rates for being from Jersey). I have been on a number of interviews and have come 2nd virtually every time with them saying i gave a good interview and did really well in my presentations but i just don't have enough work experience. The trouble is how am i supposed to get this work experience when they won't give you a chance. *sigh* Sorry about that rant over! Tomorrow is another day in my job hunting quest.
Sorry to hear about your redundancy you poor thing that must be awful for you.I'm sure you are right and everything will click into place. There's a dream job out there for everyone

What line of work are you hoping to go into? Good luck with the search!! I have my fingers crossed for you
M - Awww Mister cricket i love it! Sorry i will try to keep cricket chat down to a minimum. I also become one with cricket due to my other half. I am half way through the middle of my 4th season and i love it (most of the time). I find it quite frustrating too mind. There are a couple of hopeless ones on his team and i'm desperate to go out and play in their place. Don't get me wrong i'm no bowling but i can bat and i will at least field the ball rather than just throw myself on the floor in a vague attempt to stop the ball. (i played a little at uni) To date i have successfully managed to avoid doing any great deal of scoring (i can play the ditsy card very well and pretend i don't understand hehe) or teas (i don't live anywhere near the ground). However this season so far there have been a few touch and go moments and i think they are on to me about the scoring thing. Note to self must act more ditsy next match.
Good work on your creative ways to entertain yourself. I have never got through so many sudukos in all my life

Thanks for the luck mdear and hope all is well with you.
H - I'm think we may have to begin a seperate Ashes thread these are indeed crucial times and if we put it in a seperate one M can know in advance to avoid it so as not to cause her any more cricket trauma.
Thank you for your concern i am feeling much less stressed today. I think i was just having a bad day. I always used to play tennis to reduce stress levels but alas my hip isn't quite up to that yet. I might have a look and see if there is something else that i could do in the meantime though

It's also coming up to totm which we will all know makes everything 100 times worse. So i am focusing on the positives and trying not to let anything get me in too much of a tizz!
Fitz - Hey my Norwich lovely! I completely know what you mean. It seems to be that way at the moment. Hopefully like i said was just a bad day. I normally take most things in my stride. Hope you aren't too stressed at the moment my love.
mommyB - Hey and thank you. I know you are absolutely right. At least i don't have to lose a gain as well eh. Here's to next Monday/ Tuesday as i left scales at the farm and i won't get them till Tuesday so will have to delay weigh in... Hope you are good.
Fuzzy - Hey! Thank you so much. Absolutely i can live with a STS this week and welcome in the 17s next week. Hope you are having a fab day too.
Rach - YAY! You are back! Where the devil have you been??? Thank you very much. Same to you. I demand a catch up on your life asap!
Lots of love to you all and thank you for always being there to help me through you know if you ever need anything you just need to give me a shout!!

xxx :thankyou::grouphugg:
P.S Sorry about the essay. More to come...