What on earth were you doing up at silly o'clock
so sorry it was the anniversary of your good friends death - it is quite normal to miss them - you most likely have so many good times to remember -
well done on the loss - you are so close now to getting your 10% lets hope you get that in the next couple of weeks
I know it's crazy isn't it. I guess i am still in student mode with all nighters finishing essays. I never really got out of the habit.
Thank you so much for your post. It is difficult but like you say you must remember the good times and i can assure you there were a lot.
I know i can't believe that little 10% is fast approaching i'd love to get it this week and get to 2 stone loss as well. Fingers crossed. But i will be happy if i were to get it next week too. Take care my love and hope all is well with you. xxx
Sounds like a perfect day to remember a loved one.
Hope you have a good day today too
Yes it really was. Thank you so much mommyB. I hope all is well with you. Take care. xxx
Hi Saski, Im sorry to hear about your friend, Its always harder when the anniverseries come around ~hugs~ ...
How the hell do you manage to stay up until that time in the morning! id be asleep and dribbling over the keyboard! hehe
Have a lovely day xx
Hey!! Thank you so much for your post and for your hug *hug*
Lol the dribbling on the keyboard was a regular occurance when doing essays but my laptop didn't enjoy it so i had to train myself not to. I hope you have had a fab weekend. xxx
Hey!! Thanks for the hug. *hug* Hope you had a lovely weekend. xxx
Evening Saski - well nearly morning - hope you are ok - just stopping off before bed xx
Hello there my Norwich beauty! I'm doing okay thank you. I hope you are too. Take care my dear. xxx
morning Sas, just wanted to pop in and wish you a lovely weekend as i'm not sure how much I will be around (being in Swansea and all

Hey Rach!! Thank you soo much for popping in. I hope you have had a lovely time in Swansea sorry i wasn't here to wish you a safe journey. Looking forward to catching up with you. xxx
Hi Saski
Hope you're have a good day today!
Hey Twigs!!! Thank you so much my dear. Hope you had a great weekend and that all is well in the wonderful world of Twiggy! xxx
Good morning-have a good one!!
Thanks my love. Two visits since i disappeared you really are too good to me

Good morning chickedee, hope you have a lovely day!!
Hey my clairebear! Thank you so much. Hope you had a brillo weekend and that all is good with you. I feel so out of the loop i shall rectify this asap. xxx
Good morning Hun
have a good one

Hey H! Thank you so much for checking in on me. You are fab. Hope you had a lovely weekend. xxx