Hey Rosie
Sorry to read you're having to hang up your PDA lol but I totally understand, for anyone out there SW will take over your life and there is so much work to do. At least you tried and its better to have given it a shot, like you say, your life has changed (luckily for the better) and you have different priorities now

I am at a crossroads too and am having to have a long hard think about where this is heading for me, I am a Mum to 2 primary school aged boys, work 3 full days a week and do one evening SW group. (I started a brand new group at end of Jan) , I am just not finding the time that is needed as I really want to spend time with the family at weekends but should be out promoting to grow my group, I'm torn as the boys miss me. I know about the 4 campaigns a year and was totally up for my commitment to that and to other community activities and promotion bits here and there but at this rate I'd need to be out leafleting and promoting every single weekend non-stop, it's hard for me to get new members in, there are 3 or 4 well established groups quite close to mine (prob within a mile) I have had only had 2 new members in the last 4 weeks and I ended up with a whopping :/ £4.78 this week after paying my room hire and SW taking their %
I do have a solid core of people who regularly stay to group and we have good IT, they are also losing weight brilliantly, my average weight loss stats are high so I know I'm doing something right but after all the effort and time invested this week to make just under £5 makes me feel quite deflated. I never went into this expecting to make loads of money, I am treating this as more of a hobby, luckily I have my other job for regular income but I had hoped to see a bit more for all my efforts.
I'm sticking with it for now and won't give up without trying my hardest but there will come a point in the not too distant where it's sink or swim for me.
Good Luck Rosie and thanks for this thread it's certainly got us all talking xxx