Proud Mummy
Welcome to all the new consultants- great to have you all on board 
Last night at group, I got to do the weighing in, which is really good, and I even had a member ask me for advice
As my C was giving her new member talk, I chatted to this member and she went away very happy.
It made me feel so proud and it just confirmed that this is the right path for me.
I will be sad to leave my group tho, they are just amazing
Last night at group, I got to do the weighing in, which is really good, and I even had a member ask me for advice
As my C was giving her new member talk, I chatted to this member and she went away very happy.
It made me feel so proud and it just confirmed that this is the right path for me.
I will be sad to leave my group tho, they are just amazing