Wow, well done Hannah
Another tip from me (I'm trying to think of random ones that haven't been thought about yet)
Bubble wrap! You'll get some in some of the boxes when your first order arrives, cut it up and stuff it in the top of your cash boxes, why? because it keeps the coins in place when the boxes are in transit otherwise they're all over the place.
Blue tac, get loads you need it for a lot of things, your display boards, prices on shop items, signs etc
Day glo stars ( cheapest I found was on e-bay) stock up on lots of these too as you will use definitely them.
There are lots of smartphone apps for contacts, group texting etc. For an iPhone contacts XL is good and I use Txtot for scheduling texts so I don't forget to send them on a certain day, like if a member returns from a holiday I might schedule a text in for when they're back to encourage them to come to the next group.
I had a lovely group tonight, 15 members through the door (one was new, hurray finally a newbie after none for 2 weeks) some real sharing of wow moments in shop changing rooms and of buying smaller clothes, my slimmer of the week was totally totally over the moon she's tried so hard each week but has been pipped to the post in the last 3 or 4 weeks and she really deserved it! One member was ready to give up last week, I did some mid week support and she's turned it around and said I'd really helped her

so this week I ended up with £4.79 last week it was £4.78 so ever so ever so slightly more lol I'm fine with that this week as I can see where I am helping them to make a difference and I saw firsthand how things are changing for the better for them!