A diary of a slimming world consultant

Thats great Laura.....I am soooooi happy. Just bought a size 14 top and jeans ;-) this time last year I was 26 :-(

Also got my box for stickers. Was goinf to order of amazon but was in homebargains and they had them for £1.49...my bargain of the day :)

Blooming eck!! What a difference - wow!! You must be so pleased with yourself. What a great inspiration you will be to your members xxxx

Not sure if we have a home bargains round here?? Will have to check.

I've managed to get a few bits already hope to get a better idea of what I will need on Sunday. I know I need a S-O-W basket, couldn't find one at the weekend.
Wow that's amazing!

I was wearing size 16 jeans less than a year ago and now my size 14's are hanging off me :)

What a great feeling, you've done incredibly well!

Well done you too - it's lovely getting into a smaller size isn't it?!

I've always bought my work trousers from Dorothy Perkins, when I started slimming world my trousers were an 18 - I'm now in an 8.
( A 10 in Jeans - but I can live with that!!)
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Blooming eck!! What a difference - wow!! You must be so pleased with yourself. What a great inspiration you will be to your members xxxx

Not sure if we have a home bargains round here?? Will have to check.

I've managed to get a few bits already hope to get a better idea of what I will need on Sunday. I know I need a S-O-W basket, couldn't find one at the weekend.

I have no SOW basket yet as have not seen one suitable lol If yo find home bargains they have a few sizes in them .
Ladies can I ask how long was your editorial ? I may have missed where the paperwork said how long it had to be . I am very tired tonight as was awake since 3am so going to leave it til tomorrow and I am NOT going out of this house until I get it written. I also do not have a clue for a title .
Dress code for HO training is smart casual.

I used (or should I say my husband did, as he's good with that kinda thing!) an app called Pixal for my pictures.
I watched in amazement as tapped buttons and my pics were side by side lol!

Best thing you can do regarding editorial is write what you want, don't worry about how long or a title and then pass it to your TD or DM whichever you've got and get them to look at it and advise and edit.

Thats what I did and I'm really happy with mine, just got to make a couple of tweaks and its done. X
Dress code for HO training is smart casual.

I used (or should I say my husband did, as he's good with that kinda thing!) an app called Pixal for my pictures.
I watched in amazement as tapped buttons and my pics were side by side lol!

Best thing you can do regarding editorial is write what you want, don't worry about how long or a title and then pass it to your TD or DM whichever you've got and get them to look at it and advise and edit.

Thats what I did and I'm really happy with mine, just got to make a couple of tweaks and its done. X

thanks, Need to go tomorrow and get my before and after pics printed. I really cannot be bothered printing a home as y printer is a pain in the backside and chemist does them for 25p each lol.

Pall getting real now,I do volunty work one mornin a week and Sunday school and have to tell my Pastor tomorrow I won't be able to do either for next 3 months, between weekends in Derby, promotion before class opening and. A away on holiday for 2 weeks in June.

Hubby has just brought me some lever arch files in and betwenn those and thngs i have bought last few days my little computer room is getting kind of cluttered and ave not even got anything from SW yet lol

Hello lovely ladies!

Had to tell you all that I lost 4lbs tonight achieving my 3st award! Absolutely chuffed to bits! 3st 3.5lbs lighter in 21 weeks.

It was also announced at group that I would be taking over and everyone cheered and clapped! At the end members came up to me and hugged and kissed me! So I feel quite reassured now! As I was quite worried about what they thought of me.

Sounds like everyone is going for it on the stationery front!

For the app. I used one called Picture Joiner, free and easy to use x
I too have had thoughts about all this, have read all the posts and really stressed as I live toffeehorses believe i can do it and my heart is fully in it but I too work 35 hours a week, have 2 children one of which is 18 and disabled - so i am prime carer! Its not the franchise fee that concerns me its the rest of the paying out that seems hidden..... Will i have enough time to focus on the promotoion like i would want/have to???? My TD is lovely and can see my dialema but needs to make sure i am 1005 commited..... unfortunatley i don't know if i am!!!
Hello lovely ladies!

Had to tell you all that I lost 4lbs tonight achieving my 3st award! Absolutely chuffed to bits! 3st 3.5lbs lighter in 21 weeks.

It was also announced at group that I would be taking over and everyone cheered and clapped! At the end members came up to me and hugged and kissed me! So I feel quite reassured now! As I was quite worried about what they thought of me.

Sounds like everyone is going for it on the stationery front!

For the app. I used one called Picture Joiner, free and easy to use x

Oh Hannah thats brilliant. Bet you feel great on both fronts :)
I too have had thoughts about all this, have read all the posts and really stressed as I live toffeehorses believe i can do it and my heart is fully in it but I too work 35 hours a week, have 2 children one of which is 18 and disabled - so i am prime carer! Its not the franchise fee that concerns me its the rest of the paying out that seems hidden..... Will i have enough time to focus on the promotoion like i would want/have to???? My TD is lovely and can see my dialema but needs to make sure i am 1005 commited..... unfortunatley i don't know if i am!!!

What hidden costs ? Am I missing something ?

Denz when is your pretraining ? Just make sure you really want to do this, sounds like yoh have your hands full luv but I am sure you will make the decision that is right for you.
Wow, well done Hannah :)

Another tip from me (I'm trying to think of random ones that haven't been thought about yet)

Bubble wrap! You'll get some in some of the boxes when your first order arrives, cut it up and stuff it in the top of your cash boxes, why? because it keeps the coins in place when the boxes are in transit otherwise they're all over the place.

Blue tac, get loads you need it for a lot of things, your display boards, prices on shop items, signs etc

Day glo stars ( cheapest I found was on e-bay) stock up on lots of these too as you will use definitely them.

There are lots of smartphone apps for contacts, group texting etc. For an iPhone contacts XL is good and I use Txtot for scheduling texts so I don't forget to send them on a certain day, like if a member returns from a holiday I might schedule a text in for when they're back to encourage them to come to the next group.

I had a lovely group tonight, 15 members through the door (one was new, hurray finally a newbie after none for 2 weeks) some real sharing of wow moments in shop changing rooms and of buying smaller clothes, my slimmer of the week was totally totally over the moon she's tried so hard each week but has been pipped to the post in the last 3 or 4 weeks and she really deserved it! One member was ready to give up last week, I did some mid week support and she's turned it around and said I'd really helped her :) so this week I ended up with £4.79 last week it was £4.78 so ever so ever so slightly more lol I'm fine with that this week as I can see where I am helping them to make a difference and I saw firsthand how things are changing for the better for them!
Well done Hannah! Hopefully I'll be at target tonight! X
Wow, well done Hannah :)

Another tip from me (I'm trying to think of random ones that haven't been thought about yet)

Bubble wrap! You'll get some in some of the boxes when your first order arrives, cut it up and stuff it in the top of your cash boxes, why? because it keeps the coins in place when the boxes are in transit otherwise they're all over the place.

Blue tac, get loads you need it for a lot of things, your display boards, prices on shop items, signs etc

Day glo stars ( cheapest I found was on e-bay) stock up on lots of these too as you will use definitely them.

There are lots of smartphone apps for contacts, group texting etc. For an iPhone contacts XL is good and I use Txtot for scheduling texts so I don't forget to send them on a certain day, like if a member returns from a holiday I might schedule a text in for when they're back to encourage them to come to the next group.

I had a lovely group tonight, 15 members through the door (one was new, hurray finally a newbie after none for 2 weeks) some real sharing of wow moments in shop changing rooms and of buying smaller clothes, my slimmer of the week was totally totally over the moon she's tried so hard each week but has been pipped to the post in the last 3 or 4 weeks and she really deserved it! One member was ready to give up last week, I did some mid week support and she's turned it around and said I'd really helped her :) so this week I ended up with £4.79 last week it was £4.78 so ever so ever so slightly more lol I'm fine with that this week as I can see where I am helping them to make a difference and I saw firsthand how things are changing for the better for them!

thanks for the tips.

Must be so hard for you not making any money at minute, I really hope it picks up fo you as you sound so good at it. Was it a new class you started ?

Did my editorial last night, just over a page long. I know to long but DM will cut out things I am sure. My husband , ,daughter and friend all read it and thought it was ok. Hardest bit was changing from writing it in 3rd person to quotes from me lol

I am going to create a recipe file for the able in class, so want to print off some today to put in it. So hats m project for today
Wow, well done Hannah :)

Another tip from me (I'm trying to think of random ones that haven't been thought about yet)

Bubble wrap! You'll get some in some of the boxes when your first order arrives, cut it up and stuff it in the top of your cash boxes, why? because it keeps the coins in place when the boxes are in transit otherwise they're all over the place.

Blue tac, get loads you need it for a lot of things, your display boards, prices on shop items, signs etc

Day glo stars ( cheapest I found was on e-bay) stock up on lots of these too as you will use definitely them.

There are lots of smartphone apps for contacts, group texting etc. For an iPhone contacts XL is good and I use Txtot for scheduling texts so I don't forget to send them on a certain day, like if a member returns from a holiday I might schedule a text in for when they're back to encourage them to come to the next group.

I had a lovely group tonight, 15 members through the door (one was new, hurray finally a newbie after none for 2 weeks) some real sharing of wow moments in shop changing rooms and of buying smaller clothes, my slimmer of the week was totally totally over the moon she's tried so hard each week but has been pipped to the post in the last 3 or 4 weeks and she really deserved it! One member was ready to give up last week, I did some mid week support and she's turned it around and said I'd really helped her :) so this week I ended up with £4.79 last week it was £4.78 so ever so ever so slightly more lol I'm fine with that this week as I can see where I am helping them to make a difference and I saw firsthand how things are changing for the better for them!

Thank you and thank you all! Very pleased and on a real high at the moment!

Awaywiththefairies thank you for all the tips! They certainly are coming in handy!! That texting one I wouldn't have even thought of!

Really sorry that you're not making much at the moment. But well done for helping your members, you sound like a lovely consultant. Things will pick up, Easter soon then summer! So lots of people will want to slim down. x
Here a photo of me and my consultant. It was her last night last night :-( So we have a relief C until I start! x


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Hi all :)

wow there has been loads of activity on this thread since i was last on!! well done to all the new consultants, i'm sure we will meet at training.

i had my pre training last night so its now official!! its very exciting and busy!! im trying to visit as many groups and get as much shopping and training done before mt OH goes back to work next week lol. so with work, kids and SW i rarely have a moment to myself- but i'm loving it :)