The hardest thing is that I feel I'm never off SW duty, you do your support calls & contacts and then if members aren't available they ring you back or ask you to ring them later (usually at my children's bedtime!) then you could get a member call you anytime for support.
It is a juggling act, honestly promotion never ends, yes you've got your 4 campaigns a year but I've been out during the last 2 weekends doing what I can to try to get more through the door as I started a new group and getting new members has been hard, word of mouth is spreading which is fab but only 15 came through my door last week. Then there's the cost of advertising (I had to pay out £100 initially as apparently that was part of my franchise agreement but I've also spent another £70 since hoping it will bring new members in) there's also your weight record sheet homework, planning what you're going to say to members in IT, you have to vary it and keep it lively otherwise members will get bored and not stay. It's pretty structured, you wouldn't notice from watching but IT is in 3 specific stages (more on your training)
Handshakes and downloads too, these don't take long but have to be done regularly.
Sometimes members just don't respond to your contacts, I find that frustrating as I don't know whether to leave them alone in case they feel harassed or to push it cuz they need me to reach out to them, it's courtesy to reply, I wouldn't ignore any messages I had but some members do.
Then there's your consultant development visit you get a lot at first, weeks 2,4,6 etc the feedback for me has been in a separate meeting with my TD that's been about 2.5 hours, it's all helpful stuff but more time out for you. Also your weekly planning for success call, a set day and time to ring your TD and discuss things.
I like the variety and although my group is small they are getting really good average weight losses and I have over 80% staying to IT, however it's getting a bit of a worry that soon there won't be enough coming through to even pay my hall hire cost, I have a fair few with booked holidays over Easter too

I am trying my hardest and can only hope that it pays off and my numbers pick up!