Good point LoveSW - I agree with your thought on interviewing SW
I did think that it was interesting that the price of the franchises was the same whether you were taking over an existing group or building a new one from scratch - with a new group you are taking on so much more risk and paying for the privilege, unless you're opening up somewhere that has no nearby groups and is ripe for the picking.
Given that, I would only consider taking over an existing group and would also only consider a multi session group with preferrably 4 sessions (2 morning, 2 evening) on the same day to get maximum return for my time invested. However, it would also depend on the area the group was in and the other groups in the surrounding area.
I would also want to know the historical numbers and financials for the group (surely any wise investor would want the same?) but I wonder whether SW would make that information available to me?
My impression purely from what I've read on here is that SW decides what group to offer you and you are so 'passionate' about helping people that you blindly accept it without any thought for financial viability as that's not what SW is about

(tongue in cheek for this bit - don't attack me!)