
I have been asked by my C to go to an opps meeting with the view to becoming a SW consultant now the thing is I have only been a SW member since the last week in January and although SW has been incredibly successful for me I have only ever done Extra Easy, I wouldn't know what a Red or Green day was if it bit me on the bum!
so I guess what I'm asking is surely you would have to know what SW is completely about?
because of my good losses I do get people asking me how to do things and I have actually helped a few members and I do tend to get people coming up to me after group to discuss bits ad pieces, but someone the other day asked me if they could have something as a healthy extra B and I didn't have a clue!!! Unlike Rosie who started this fantastic thread I don't really have a social life to worry about so if I could get more into it as opposed to just finding what works for me and sticking to it, I'm thinking I would be able to do it, I have no problems speaking in front of people, so would enjoy that aspect of it, and I'm guessing being a bloke is a bit of a novelty to a group as it seems 99.9% of the Consultants seem to be ladies, I could see that being a very positive thing. Any advice would be brilliant.
On the not knowing green/original days business - that one is easy to rectify, I would recommend exactly the same thing that Dougal's TD did, which is to try out the other plans.
I'd been on Extra Easy since I joined last October but decided to give Green and Original a try a few weeks back when my losses slowed down as I remembered that I used to have success alternating Green and Original days my last time round with SW (16 years ago!!). It was actually fun to do something a bit different and I enjoyed being able to have extra A & B choices - you end up going back to basics again and reading/checking your books to make sure you're getting it right, which is never a bad thing I think.
I've also tried Success Express a couple of times and find it helpful to effectively have 4 choices of plans that I can use as and when I need or feel like it. You can even do a different plan each day if you don't want to try a full week.
As well as helping you understand the different plans, the exercise may also help your weight loss as doing things differently helps to 'keep your body guessing', which I think is another important aspect to weight loss. You will also potentially learn some of the pitfalls that members can encounter when trying to follow them.
For example, the first time I tried Success Express, I stopped after 2-3 days as I was convinced I was going to put on weight as I felt I was eating too much. However, the second time I tried it, I realised that the first time round I'd gone wrong by trying to eat the same size portion of free food as I would have done on Extra Easy so had to add a HUGE amount of superfree to balance it out to be 2/3 and my stomach was ready to burst by the time I was finished!
The potential challenge I could see for you as a male consultant would be that the majority of your members (I'm guessing from groups I've been to) are going to be female so you're going to need to try to understand things from the female perspective. I don't see that as being a major problem as you'll by now be comfortable I'm sure with hearing about 'star' week during your group IT sessions

Also you could help make connections with your members by collecting a few anecdotes over time of female 'friends/members/acquaintances' who've had similar problems and how they've overcome them/approached them.
It sounds like you've already been able to make good connections with the members in your group though if they are asking you for tips so I'm sure you wont have a problem.
I hope no one jumps on me for the comments above as I'm just being honest here - if I was to become a C I would see the same challenge for myself when trying to help male members.
Definitely go along to the opportunity event and ask as many questions as you can to find out if it's for you. Also help your C out on the next promotion (coming up soon I think) as one of the aspects of the job you'll need to be ready for is the leaflet delivery during promotions. I went out with my C for 2-3 Sundays delivering plus delivered loads on my own to get an idea whether I could handle that part.
You will need to know a lot BUT from what I've heard the training is excellent so as long as you have a willingness to learn you should be fine.
So in summary, go along to the opportunity event and hear what they have to say - it's not like a time share talk so you are free to leave at the end