I'm sad to say I have resigned and agreed to work 6 weeks notice to help them find cover for my group. My last group is this week
I can't fault SW, the training is brilliant, you are told exactly what to expect and what is expected of you, my TD has also been fab. It's been an amazing opportunity and I have learnt a lot that will be useful in life and my confidence has grown. I have absolutely no regrets and am really proud of what I have achieved, I am definitely going out on a high.
The problem for me has been fitting everything around my family and job, sadly it's proved to be too much for me, I would encourage you to follow your dreams and give it a go but think long and hard about the practicalities and realities of fitting everything in because it does take over your life. I did a quick calculation some weeks ago and out of 18 weekends since it all started 12 had been spent at training, promoting, quarterly meetings or team meetings

When it's a lovely sunny day and the children want to go away for the day and you have to go leafleting, when your child is in tears after a tough day at school and you can't give them time to talk, you get home from work then immediately you have to load up and go to group feeling bad because you couldn't give them time. Your family want to come from another area to visit you but don't feel they can as they know you are so busy. You need to take a week off but can't find anyone to cover your group. You are working in your day job and you get a number of urgent calls/texts over a number if weeks asking you to cover various other groups. I just decided after a lot of soul searching and sleepless nights that family just had to come first.
Like I said its been a really positive experience and I have no regrets and I'll never say never, who knows what the future holds but I've realised, despite thinking it was that this is not the right time for me
Good luck to you all x