A fresh start...

Well done honey xxxxx
Pineapple, u are on the right road and u now seem to be in the right, positive frame of mind to continue with ur journey. Stick with it girl, we're all behind u!!
dont beat yourself about it pineapple..its done, out of the way ..just concentrate on losing the bitnow you want to before your fitting..if you up the amount the water, say to 5lts a day like i have now, itll drop off..combine it with a bit of exercise and bobs your uncle and fannys your aunt!!

h xx
Hi everyone.

Just to update on my fresh start, its all going pretty well so far. Been drinking the water like there is no tomorrow! lol! Have not had any of the first weeks effect as such - slight headache but that was it. Day 3 again and looking forward to the weight coming off again. Couldnt help but jump on my scales this morn and am back into the 11st bracket - so all heading in the right direction. Can weight to get back to my lightest of 11st 8lbs.

Thanks for all your support, its been great and I know I'll get there in the end.

You deserve it honey xxx
Well done, and if you ever get fed up you can come and stay with me im all hands I mean ears.:Dx
Ha ha bloody ha! You crack me up!
welldone you..you can do it, you know you can as youve done it already..just go for it and think how fantastic your gonna look in that wedding dress

h xx
Shaz, its great you are maintaining. Least you know you can do that again when your at your ultimate goal. Just think as well, like you say it’ll only take a month at the most and you could be maintaining well before summer? Is it worth trying again?X

Well I've sorted my head out now. I've been invited out for tea on Saturday.....and I cannot get out of it! But Sunday I'm starting again. I've still got some Lipotrim left so I'm going to start with that, but have arrange to see a CD councellor next week. I need to do something different I think. I've got loads of shakes, so I'll have LT for BF and CD for lunch and Tea (or Dinner as posh people call it!!). I just keep thinking that by mid May I'll be at goal. I want to be slim for Summer and not have to diet in Summer.

Come on Pineapple.....we can do it together!
Thats great Shazpaz, I seen you were gonna start CB. They are all the same amd you know how it works, you will be finished well before summer hun.

Yip Harriet, thinking of all the oohs and ahs (i hope) when i walk down the isle... well actually when i walk down the steps into the ampitheatre! my that sounds affa posh!!XX