I WILL lose 6 stone! :)
Not sure what a Prato is but sounds nice doesn't it?! Lol potato
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I was just about to add Prato to my all new and interesting menu! lol
Oh my!
Ear infection has cleared up but it has damaged my ear hence the dizzy feeling - have been given some pills which should sort out the balance in my ears and stop feeling dizzy in the next day or so - yay!
Oh yeah and it's buy one get one free because he also told me he's worried how swollen my glands are and he thinks I have the virus that's going around at the moment so paracetamol , rest and plenty of water - now that I can do!
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No wonder you've been feeling so dizzy! It's very greedy of you having more than one ailment you know! lol
Rest up and feel better soon xxx
p.s. don't forget to syn the paracetamol! :8855:
Enjoy the film