A Graceful Descent

Hi Miff, I think you have probably hit the stage where you have lost some weight ,feel better in yourself and in your clothes and subconsiously think Ah I'm fine now !! . Its now you have to go back and think why did I start in the first place ?? . How did I feel then ? . :cry:??
Everyone hits this at some stage .

Also you have had a big break with your birthday and its always hard to get back on track after things like that.

Sit Down and write out the goals you had at the start . Make a fresh start with the simply filling this week and think of the way you used to get around occasions before ... You can do this .
yep - that's exactly what it is - I know I've hit this point in the past but I've been doing something like Cambridge when I've hit it before where if I push through it for a couple of days the weight would come down enough to keep me motivated again whereas on WW pushing through it to maybe get back to where I was a few weeks ago is a lot harder mentally.

I think it started before my birthday to be honest and probably wasn't helped when I came down with the lurgy and lost my focus. The funny thing is I'm not happy with how I'm looking based on photos from last week but its not been enough to get me out of the rut I seem to be in. I think I just got mentally bored with concentrating on it for so long - I've even got bored with what I'm eating and yet looking at my food diaries my meals are pretty varied so I've no idea where the boredom has come from.

The problem with me sitting and looking at my goals is that my main aim was to get me back to eating food and having a better relationship with it and be more relaxed at letting go of the control over my diet and I've pretty much achieved that. I think I just need to get my head into some new goals and refocus.

Firstly I have a pair of jeans that I am close to getting back into so I might hang them up in my bedroom to keep my eye on the ball. Plus I might print out one of the photos of me I don't like and put it somewhere prominent to let me know that I still have a long way to go and all I've reached is the point at which most people start!

There's been so much distraction the last few weeks though and I know I'm never good at sticking with diet stuff when anything happens that throws my focus off and I just need to get things back to normal. Plus the summer is always easier as I want salads and fruit etc more whereas in this weather I struggle to come up with lunches most of all and then kind of give up by the evening.

The good news is that I recognise what is going on and I am absolutely certain that I won't be giving up anyway so I may as well get back on track now and stop faffing around. I've organised my week's menu from Wednesday and have just done my Sainsbury's order so on the bright side I have my eye back on the ball and will only have the food in that I need for the week and no extras which should help. Time to just batten down the hatches and get on with it methinks!
Well done for recognising it ;) jeans sound like a nice goal... Could u try simply filling to avoid all the counting for a while? Xx
Hi Carly - yep that's what I've decided to do to kick things back into touch again & just give myself a bit of a break from having to think about it so much for a while. I can't make weigh in tonight anyway so I've got an extra week to get things back where they should be - there was indeed a delay on the weight gain last week & my scales show me up another 1lb this week. I'm still quite happy with a 2lb overall gain after my birthday week but I need to kick that in the butt before it keeps going the wrong way.

I'm absolutely exhausted & getting thyroid symptoms again lately as well so I'm also wondering if my meds still aren't quite right but having had a blood test done two weeks ago the lab have failed to send a copy to my gp for me to get my levels so I can assess it & the consultant, who has those results but doesn't want them, is on holiday & the results can't be forwarded until she gets back & approves it. Aaaaagggghhhhhhhhhh!

I'm picking my patents up from the airport tonight & they are here until the morning so I'm just not worrying about thinking it through too much today - life will get back more to normal from tomorrow & I have lots of healthy food being delivered then as well so tomorrow is day 1 of a restart. Let's hope I can keep it going more than a few days this time!!!
Hope restart goes ok :) hugs xx
So restart is today - started this morning with a boiled egg so so far so good - lets see how hour two goes lol

Just a quick query - does anyone know how to switch the e source tracker over to simply filling on the iPad app? I know where it was on my laptop but can't find it on the iPad tracker
Good luck! I can't find it either :( in "about the app" u can change to show only simply filling foods but that's not quite it.. Xx
I saw that too Carly - looks like I may have to get the laptop back out to do it
So today I feel much more back on track mentally and am going to draw a line under the last two weeks & start getting motivated again.

In this light today's menu is as follows:-


Boiled egg & ww bread toasted


Curly Wurly (well obviously angelic doesn't happen immediately lol) (3)


Roasted butternut squash & courgette
Low fat plain cottage cheese
2 slices ww bread


Bacon medallions
Butter beans
Leek & cabbage
Philadelphia light (1)

So all fitting in perfectly with simply filling & just need to count 4 points for the day from my weeklies. I'm a bit worries about how I'm going to have enough weeklies left for my nephews birthday party on Sunday but if I was counting today as points instead of simply filling I'd have loads spare so I'm not going to worry about it & just not over indulge and hopefully I should be fine. I might even try & get some activity points in the bank to cover me between now & then.

Ahhhhh it's good to be back :)
Hi missy - I never did core so no idea what that one was - basically on the simply plan you eat only foods from the simply filling list, all those marked green basically, but you don't have to count or measure anything - you eat as much as you need to be satisfied then stop. You still have your 49 weeklies as well to cover you for anything else that isn't on the list & you have to have 2 teaspoons of essential oils each day. It's more in line with the foods I find easy to cook & that I prefer anyway & gives me a bit of a break from mentally having to think about it so much. It's definitely worth trying for a week if you are considering it as you can always switch back if it doesn't suit you.

Well that was the idea today anyway - unfortunately dinner hasn't happened as planned though. Not because I've fallen off the wagon but I'm suddenly doubled up with stomach cramps out of the blue - it could be that after the last two weeks the switch back to healthier is too quick or it could be two lots of low cal bread in one day & it's too much gluten for me to deal with. Either way I wasn't feeling the idea of adding cabbage & butter beans into the picture! So instead I've made a smoothie but added the fruit juice in as well & a little bit of peanut butter as I was worried I wouldn't have had enough going into my system today otherwise.

Oh & I did 30 mins on my wii fit too - I'm really sleepy now so I'm hoping the combination of healthier food & exercise is going to help with the insomnia I've been getting again lately - fingers crossed!
Good morning everybody. Feeling a lot better today so hopefully my stomach will settle back down again quite quickly.

I'm very much enjoying the simply filling from a mental point of view at the moment. I had a smoothie on my menu plan for this morning but hadn't got round to cleaning the smoothie maker last night and didn't really fancy it this morning so could quite happily have grapefruit with low fat natural yogurt without having to consider how much needed to be measured or how many points were in it or how that affected the rest of the day - it was mentally very freeing & I felt myself breathing a big sigh of relief so I think right now it's the right way to go for me. I did add some flaked almonds on top to get some healthy proteins etc in there too which used a few weeklies but I'll get the wii fit out again later to keep me in credit for the weekend.

So today's plan is grapefruit, yogurt & nuts for breakfast, tuna & giant whole grain couscous for lunch & then I'm going to try & finally get to the bacon & butter bean sauté for dinner - fingers crossed I actually get that far this time! Lol

Oh & I got woken up by the cat peeing on my bed at 5am again - she wasn't moaning to go out this time, I was stroking her so she wasn't after attention, I've got the expensive litter she likes from the cattery in the litter tray & she seems generally fine so no idea whatsoever as to why this time!! She ran as soon as she'd finished & hid downstairs so she knew damn well what she'd done as well. Thank god my friend has got a big dyson washing machine that takes duvets & has told me where the spare key is - I'm at the hairdressers just up the road from him this afternoon so can put it on when I go & pick it up on the way back & I also get somewhere to park the car as a bonus ;). The cat on the other hand is now barred!!!!
So I rang my doctors earlier & finally got my thyroid blood test results. So having increased my thyroid meds after the last results my tsh has gotten ..... Worse. Huh??! How does that work then?

So my endo has rung me back for some off the record advice & told me to increase from 75/10 with 100/10 twice a week to be doing 100/10 every day. I've decided a slower increase might be better and have decided to make the increase every other day for now & see how I feel & if it's not enough I can up to every day from there.

Totally explains my lack of desire to think about what I'm eating at the moment & why my memory is dodgy again & why I'm soooooooo exhausted right now & why I have no appetite for normal food but craving sugar like crazy. Plus explains why the weight losses have been so small over the last 6 weeks!

Clearly there is something else going on in the background which is interfering with my reaction to my meds so Ive made an appointment with the docs for tomorrow & am hoping to finally get them to agree a rheumatology referral so we can find out what the heck is going on ... Hopefully
Hope doc figures it out!!! Glad simply filling suits u :) x
Thanks ladies but don't worry I've been in limbo for a looooong time - I started having problems when I was 17 & I turned 40 two weeks ago!! Lol. It took a long time to get my thyroid diagnosed & I had a number of wrong diagnosis on the way. I've been continually tested for rheumatoid arthritis over the years & it keeps coming back negative but since I've been on the thyroid meds some of the other symptoms have come out much clearer & the doctors discovered, by accident when they did the wrong blood test!, that I have an I credibly positive ana result which is basically a rheumatoid or lupus type auto immune problem - we just can't pinpoint exactly what & last time I pushed for a referral to rheumatology my gp wants me to get my weight down first to check that it wasnt causing my back pain ... Because obviously I've not been hearing that forever & yet strangely when I did lose the weight & my back got worse it didn't seem to be relevant at that point. Odd that!

Anyway at this point if whatever else is going on is interfering with my thyroid meds then obviously that has got to be fixed for me to lose the weight anyway so I'm not taking that as an excuse not to refer me any more. I've proved that if they get their end right then I take the weight off so having been doing my bit its time for them to do theirs!

Anyway - absolutely shattered again this morning but started my meds increase this morning so hopefully within the next week or two ill start to see a mild improvement on that & I can get a lie in in the morning which I'm looking forward to very much. Today started with blueberries, yogurt & muesli layered in a glass from the last ww magazine (it was yummy) and I have jacket potato with cottage cheese & salad planned for lunch & either cod, potato & corn on the cob or quinoa with veggies for dinner - not sure which I fancy right now although if I'm still this tired at the end of the day it'll probable end up as a ww microwave meal :). I have a drs appointment later as well which clashes with when the kids come out of school so I'll probably walk down to that one which will give me some exercise today too.

Hope everyone else is doing well & staying on track
Hope u feel better darling cx
The new gp basically decided he doesn't have a clue what is going on either so no problem sending me to rheumatology & let them worry about it so I finally got my referral - wahooooo. I'm not convinced they'll find the problem either but at least they'll be looking :). I have my ultrasound scan of my neck monday too so that will be one more thing they can remove from their list of possibilities - brain scan on two weeks where I'm hoping they find one! Lol

In the meantime I'm taking today as a lazy rest day & not moving from the sofa - watching the hurt locker this morning which looks like a fantastic film & then the England game this afternoon to see us get slaughtered by a much much much better team - unpatriotic yes but let's be honest lol. There may be snoozing in between ;)

Diet has gone out the window again & I'm getting cravings that I'm struggling to ignore & I've given up tracking for now. Looking over the last couple of weeks the whole staying on track thing went out the window pretty much when I came down with the cold & sinus infection thing which also ties in with when I probably went hypo again so I'm not giving myself too much of a hard time about it at the moment as I know how hard it is for me to stick to anything when I'm fighting my system like that. It means I also know that as soon as my tsh starts coming back down again then the situation will reverse.

I'm hoping I don't gain again this week as although not eating right I'm pretty much still within my points but I'm. It going to hold my breath. Oh well - onwards & hopefully downwards
Hope it helps and that u feel better soon. Xx