A Healthier Lifestyle Quest!!

I ended up a little over calories wise yesterday due to having mac cheese & chips for lunch when out with my sis & nephew. However, I did walk in to town (3 miles) and all the traipsing round the shops is bound to have burned off some calories so might have just been bang-on in the end.

No money to treat myself I'm afraid. I got my mum a nice pair of slippers & some bracelets for her birthday though. My sis got her a new bag & purse so she is pretty chuffed all round...

B - Banana, berries & orange smoothie 300
L - Chicken & tomato on small hovis brown bread 173
D - Baby potatoes, cold meat, coleslaw, beetroot, sprinkling of cheddar 600
S - Alpen light bar + Muller light

Total = 1,262

I'm off to do the 30 Day Shred now - kinda fell by the way side while I was away from home, oops!!
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It wasn't pleasant, that's for sure!! Extra-sweaty and felt quite faint. Think I'll stick to walking and Dance Central til the heatwave passes haha x
Yeah think the extreme excercise needs to go On the back burner till it cools off a bit x
B - Creamy Berry Crunch Special K with ss milk 175
L - Beans on wholemeal toast (small slices) 219
D - Stirfry with hot & spicy chicken fillets,rice noodles, chinese style veg & chow mein sauce 600
S - 2 x alpen light bars, 1 glass orange juice, 1 glass ss milk

Total = 1,318

Plus I am back to my 2 - 3 litres of water a day and taking my multivitamin too. Exercise today will just be some leisurely Dance Central / housework but tomorrow evening I'm meeting my cousin to go for a long walk round the loch near us. I think it's 3.75 miles plus I'll be walking to the loch as well which will be roughly the same distance, so over 7 miles walking tomorrow! I'll get a taxi home though (buses stop going up to my area at 7 and we are meeting at 6.45pm!) since 1) I doubt my wee legs will welcome the mostly uphill struggle by then and 2)my area is a bit rough at weekends so prefer to get dropped off at the gate!

Hope you are all ready for the weekend :) x
B - Creamy berry crunch special K with ss milk 175
L - Heinz macaroni on hovis small slice wholemeal toast 284
D - Hot & spicy chicken fillet with side salad, coleslaw & beetroot salad 484
S - Alpen light bar x 2, yoghurt & fruit biscuit x 2 292

Total = 1,235

My long walk later will surely burn off a fair few calories but as usual I will find it difficult to eat my exercise calories back - a combination of needing to go food shopping + not usually feeling hungry enough! Plus I'm not meeting my cousin til later this evening and by the time I get back home it'll be after 9pm - I don't really want to be eating that late either. Hmm...

Happy Friday everyone!! Have a great weekend :)

Hello everyone! Sorry for the lack of updates this weekend...been out and about enjoying the sunshine :).

I am a bit disheartened and confused, weight wise. Had a sneak-peak on the scales and they are showing me as +2.5 lb from last weigh in, 3 weeks ago! However, I tried on my size 14 crop trousers (that only just fit and were a bit muffin-top central last month!) and they are a tad roomy - only a tad mind but still!

I'm not recording anything until my official weigh in on the 28th but I will be so down in the dumps if I have to record a gain. I was hoping to be back in the 11s but that's highly unlikely now :( I think a trip back to the docs is in order to have my thyroid tested again. I've had the test twice in the past (a few years ago now since last one) and both times have come up 'borderline' so no medication was offered. *sigh* I really hope it isn't my thyroid but the family history does make me worry at times.

Anyway!! Enough of all that! I'm off out for a walk :)
B - Creamy berry crunch special K with ss milk & banana 265
L - Spaghetti on toast 368
D - Lean pork chop with purple potatoes & marrowfat peas 360
S - banana
orange juice 110

Total = 1,193

Sticking to 1,200 strictly for the next 2 weeks to see if I can kick-start things again. Going to sit down and plan out my meals precisely today. I will get back in to those pesky 11s over the next month!!
Ended up having a tuna & tomato sandwich for lunch instead of spaghetti on toast but worked out at roughly the same calories anyway...
Hey ! glad your doing well..!:) Unfourtnley i have been rubbish for the past 2 months!!!! yes 2 months!!! I have family from abroad round and so everyday been out and about eating! Hopefully il be back on track from now after reading ur diAry given me a boost tee hee xx how much u lost so far hun
Hey Erin, just popping by to see how you're doing. Good luck for your WI next week. sounds like you've at least lost inches! :)
Thanks lovely ladies!

I'm still sitting around the 2st lost mark but as my trousers aren't so tight I definitely think the inches are at least going in the right direction! :D

Good luck to both of you re-starting!xx
B - Creamy berry crunch special K with ss milk & banana 265
L - Tuna with light mayo on 1 slice fruit bread (toasted) with tomato
D - Chicken Jalfrezi
S - Triple chocolate chip cookie

Total = 1,191

That cookie should not have happened but it did and that's all there is to it! TOTM is due any day now so I will pin the blame on that haha. Still on target for calories so not gonna beat myself up about it...

It's my dad's birthday on Friday so I'm going to be making dinner. Decided on chicken cacciatore in the slow cooker served with some rice. Also going to be making low-fat raspberry & apple muffins at the weekend too. Got the recipe from BBC Good Food and they come in at around 207 calories a pop so one of those with a muller light will do for breakfast some days :).

Was going to go into town today to get dad's birthday presents but the torrential rain and thunder storm sort of put me off haha. I'll go tomorrow though. Just gonna get him some tshirts and a wee recipe book.

Got my great-aunt's 80th on Saturday night and a friend's band's gig on Sunday night so a pretty full weekend. Decided I am only having breakfast on Saturday so I can save some calories for a modest helping at the buffet plus a few vodka & diet cokes. And as for the gig on Sunday, I'll not be drinking. Famous last words... but to be honest, I can't really afford to and I am trying not to drink. Which isn't a hard feat for me. I stopped drinking for over a year when I was 19 and didn't miss it one bit. I often think about just not drinking at all again. Maybe I will just stick to soda & lime at the party.

Hope everyone else is having a good week so far.
sounds like a busy weekend coming up! Hope you have a good day today :)
B - Porridge with ss milk and banana 330
L - 1 slice french toast with tomato ketchup
D - 1/2 pack of chicken & bacon tortolloni
S - Banana with spoonful of low-fat natural yogurt

Total = 1,200

On-target today, woohoo! I have given up on the 30 Day Shred for now for a two reasons. Firstly, it is too hot and I feel faint/sick if I attempt it in this heat. And secondly, I want to see if the strict 1200 diet alone can kick-start things before I start re-introducing tougher exercise and obviously increasing my calories again to compensate. However, I did start the 30 Day Squat Challenge yesterday! I managed the 50 yesterday no bother but I imagine it will get tougher as the days go on. And I'll still be walking and what not.

Anyway, I found this dress in my bedroom cupboard that I had completely forgotten about - had it since I was 17 and love it. I decided to try it on despite it only being a 12 hahaha:

At the moment, I can't wear it with a bra and had to stuff my boobs in - not comfy!! But I am hoping to have lost enough to maybe wear it for my 26th birthday in mid-October. *fingers crossed*
I have also decided that I don't mind my overall shape - I just want a smaller version of it.

Anyway, hope you are all having a nice Wednesday!
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Change of plan for dinner - at sister's and having grilled turkey steak & salad. Shouldn't affect overall calories at all though.
B - Banana, raspberry & orange smoothie 300
L - Banana with low fat yogurt
D - 1/2 pack of chicken & bacon tortolloni
S - Apple & raspberry muffin

Total = 1,195

Got up early this morning and made apple & raspberry muffins (low fat/healthy from BBC Good Food!) for my dad's birthday tomorrow:


Already sampled one (to make sure they are eatable haha) and they turned out really well. The dark soft brown sugar has given them a crunchy outside but they are fluffy and moist in the middle. Sweeter than the banana and blueberry muffins I made at Calum's last week so more of a dessert muffin rather than a breakfast one. I'm gonna get some frozen yogurt to go with them for dessert tomorrow night :)