Heya lovely, feel like I've missed so much not being on over the weekend! First of all :bighug: thats a lot to share with us nutbags and its awesome that you are comfortable enough toI would say keep him as a friend, who knows what might happen down the line. As you say its nice to have someone who isn't interested in one thing so he obviously just enjoys your company and you as a person. Get yourself where you want to be first and then see where you both are at then
I love when you have friends like that though, just comfortable and fun (I have a friend-date with a guy I know like this coming up, havent seen him in 5 years and very much looking forward to it, unfortunately he is drop dead gorgeous and I find it very difficult not to be in love with him haha) I had an awful relationship that was quite similar so know that it can take some work to get over in all aspects. Hope you're ok love.x.x.x.
What a difference a year can maketime is a wonderful thing, take it and enjoy it. But if you ever need cheering up I'll send you a photo of my friend haha. Honestly I should have probably came here to talk to you lovelies over the weekend but I was just too annoyed, its a lot of complicated messy business and I just couldnt go through hashing it all out. So I festered in my own crapulence instead. smart move, not! So hope I havent ruined my weightloss week though I imagine I have. .x.x.x.
Well I went to hospital, took 1000mg of some antibiotics. Can eat now but couldn't earlier! Ugh feel horrid! Have eggs, tuna and beans to make 2 meals out of today... Tomorrow I'll double my superfree intake.
Not allowed to consume a lot today as my tablets will upset my stomach so I'm a bit gutted!
have you tried the baked bean omlette? Sounds perfect for what you have to make a meal with. You just mix your beaten eggs and beans together then cook like an omlette. I like it becuase I hate bean juice going everywhere. I wouldnt worry too much about your food today, your health is more importantOne day isnt going to ruin too much. Like you say you can up the sf tomorrow
Hope you feel better love.x.x.
Oh no really sorry to hear your not well Ruth. I was on antibiotics too last year after my op, I couldn't eat properly either, it is a bit of pain, will you be able to resume back to normal eating tomorrow ? Kay xx
Thanks Ruth. I hope your stomach settles and everything resumes back to normal for you tomorrow. I had an almost fast day yesterday, no syns and just a syn free veggie soup all day long, it got so boring and I was so hungry for some proper food, but I wanted to pull back because I didn't want a gain. I think the low intake of calories might lead you to a nice loss for Friday . Keeping positive for you hun
Kay xx
I used to work night shifts as a duty manager, a few years back and my food and sleep times were so different to everyone else, I know how you must feel. I hope you enjoy your movie hun and have a good day/nights sleep. Kay xx
Loving he egg cups hahaha. Hoping you feel better soon, big hugs xxx
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