A Hotel Manager's Diary To A Healthier Life! 11/42

Oh ok, so your regular on Fridays :) good luck for then, hope you have a fab loss. Nice that your off this afternoon to relax. Are you planning on whipping up any nice meals ? Me I'm a bit bored with my food at the mo but need to finish stuff in the freezer. I will do a new food shop on Thursday so looking forward to that so I can make some new recipes from the magazine. Weigh in is on Tuesday, feeling the nerves already :rolleyes: . Kay xx

Yes I am although it's shift depending!! Thank you I hope (in fact I'm sure) you do really well on Tuesday! I've got some of the leftover chicken from last night which will be nice and I've also got some fresh mango which will be yum! Bit hungover this morning so had to have Dairylea on toast and a huge teapot of tea haha! Had half a box of cherries afterwards though :) yeah the new magazine looks good!

In a bit of a pickle... Some money that was being returned to me is going to be late and I'm too skint to do a shop! On a long shift tomorrow so I'll make the most of the food salad and fruit at work but I am off Tuesday and Thursday so I will have to see what happens!

My parents gave me some leftover chicken from yesterday which is free and yum and my dad bless him gave me a box of fresh mango :)

I have got tuna and baked beans and pasta in the cupboard at home! I will do this... There's always obstacles! ;)

I got rather intoxicated last night and haven't actually been to bed yet which is shocking haha currently sat on the train home to Scarborough trying not to nod off! Dead proud of myself yesterday though as it was a big night!!!

Bit of interesting news as well. Those who know me well on here know that I was in a long term relationship from 15-22 that ended suddenly when I found him in bed with my best friend and I have had nothing but grief and heartache over it. Getting over it now and it's been just over a year but I can't bring myself to have a boyfriend or anything similar. We had a flat, joint bank account etc and he ran off and left me with thousands of pounds worth of debts he had accrued (he never let me do the banking) which I have just finished paying off and was one of the reasons I moved away. He unfortunately was also violent after we split and this caused all sorts of problems when it came to sorting things out. The stress of this has made me very I'll and I see a sexual health counsellor sometimes as I can't cope with certain things (coupled with the fact I have anaphylaxis to Latex! Sorry if tmi!)
My friend from a long time ago when I was 15 added me on fb a couple of weeks back and I saw him out last night. In 2010 he fell down some stairs whilst on drugs and suffered brain damage (was in an induced coma for 5 months and actually died but was brought back) and I hadn't seen him since so it was great to catch up and he admitted that he has feelings for me. We spent the entire night dancing and talking (hence no sleep!) I feel completely comfortable with him. He lives in Harrogate though and I have no idea what to do about it! Shall I just leave it? He is perfectly fine apart from some memory loss and has got epilepsy as a result of the fall. He invited me round to his after the night out but he said it was just to chat so I went and we literally talked for 5 hours. It was so nice to actually spend time with someone who isn't after one thing!!!!

I know this is a food diary but I haven't got the first clue when it comes to guys. Massive confident front (facade) but I get very nervous if it's anything more than a couple of drinks! He admitted he was really nervous too!

I feel like a kid!!!!

Hi R,

It's great you ad a lovely evening out and he sounds like a fab friend -- but not relationship material. Plus, I think you need to keep in mind that you're still healing and are very vulnerable. I wouldn't be investing too much into a new relationship right now. You're so young and are doing so well in your career. You've spent almost all of your dating years tied to one individual. How's that song go...

You better shop around.
Hi R, It's great you ad a lovely evening out and he sounds like a fab friend -- but not relationship material. Plus, I think you need to keep in mind that you're still healing and are very vulnerable. I wouldn't be investing too much into a new relationship right now. You're so young and are doing so well in your career. You've spent almost all of your dating years tied to one individual. How's that song go... You better shop around.

Thanks Mel :)

I just never let myself get as close as I did yesterday and I think it shocked me a bit!

Yeah my counsellor says that until my mental block (which is quite bad with men) ceases or gets better I can't have a relationship I just get a bit lonely that's all :) I do get asked out quite a bit (I am very loud and a bit mad, my parents say, once met never forgotten ;)) but I never go and have got myself into trouble in the past with lads who I thought were friends but they wanted something more!

I hope I can stay good friends with him he is such a lovely lad!


Dinner. A bit odd but still dinner all the same! Left over grilled chicken, cornichons, capers, olives and brown sauce. Then mango!
Apologies for lack of effort I just woke up after a 3 hour nap!

Hi Ruth, I just read your earlier post. Really sorry to hear what you have been through. I totally agree with Mel's advice. I think so much has happened, you need some `me' time to yourself to mend and get your mojo back. You have already taken a huge step towards that by committing to weightloss and making a promise to yourself. I have had some bad relationships in the past and often after break ups we feel a lot has been taken away from us emotionally. Now is the time to give back that love to yourself. Going into a relationship right now is going to take away from you again and leave you drained because you still need to work on yourself a little more. Relationships will come again later in your life and you will be happier then because you will be a lot stronger within yourself to handle it. I hope this has helped, I didn't want to come across as preachy but rather a helpful friend.

I admire you even more now for sharing this with us. It takes a lot of courage to open ones heart and share your feelings with everyone.

Hugs Kay xx


ps. totally forgot...your dinner looks scrummy indeed :p !
Hi Ruth, I just read your earlier post. Really sorry to hear what you have been through. I totally agree with Mel's advice. I think so much has happened, you need some `me' time to yourself to mend and get your mojo back. You have already taken a huge step towards that by committing to weightloss and making a promise to yourself. I have had some bad relationships in the past and often after break ups we feel a lot has been taken away from us emotionally. Now is the time to give back that love to yourself. Going into a relationship right now is going to take away from you again and leave you drained because you still need to work on yourself a little more. Relationships will come again later in your life and you will be happier then because you will be a lot stronger within yourself to handle it. I hope this has helped, I didn't want to come across as preachy but rather a helpful friend. I admire you even more now for sharing this with us. It takes a lot of courage to open ones heart and share your feelings with everyone. Hugs Kay xx :bighug: ps. totally forgot...your dinner looks scrummy indeed :p !

Thank you so much Kay that's wonderful advice! I will keep him as a friend but you're both right I just haven't had those feelings for a while and it was a bit of a shock!
You didn't come across preachy that was just lovely advice so thank you :)
My dinner was yum I am full to bursting now!
To add to one of your posts on your diary I saw- I have IBS and I drink 'digest' twinings tea which has dandelion and all sorts in it- gets rid of Bloat! I also drink their green tea with lemon/jasmine and their 'sleep' blend which helps!

Thank you so much Kay that's wonderful advice! I will keep him as a friend but you're both right I just haven't had those feelings for a while and it was a bit of a shock!
You didn't come across preachy that was just lovely advice so thank you :)
My dinner was yum I am full to bursting now!
To add to one of your posts on your diary I saw- I have IBS and I drink 'digest' twinings tea which has dandelion and all sorts in it- gets rid of Bloat! I also drink their green tea with lemon/jasmine and their 'sleep' blend which helps!


I love herbal teas Ruth, there's one for everything :p. Glad you sound in good spirits, you're doing so well on the plan :). Yep agree keep him as a friend, that will give you your space. Going to bed now, night night hun.

Kay xx
I love herbal teas Ruth, there's one for everything :p. Glad you sound in good spirits, you're doing so well on the plan :). Yep agree keep him as a friend, that will give you your space. Going to bed now, night night hun. Kay xx

Thank you! Got to keep in good spirits I actually feel brilliant I just hope I can work this out with food etc but I'm sure I will! Just need to get my hands on some salad stuff for when I'm at home (might have to snaffle some things from work ;))
Herbal teas are fab- definitely help with bloat etc!

Thanks again- sleep well!!!

Saturday 8th February 2014

3x Boiled Eggs
3x Satsumas
Cafetiere Coffee

Lunch/snack (was out)
2x Diet Coke
3x Dairylea Triangles (HEA)

Gujarati Potatoes (potatoes & Spice)
1/2 a pitta bread = 4
Olive Oil (HEB)
Grilled Spiced Chicken
Fat Free Natural Yogurt
3x Satsumas
Wine = 24
Double Vodka Diet Coke = 5
Leffe Beer = 8

HEA & HEB used


Sunday 9th February 2014

2x Bread (HEB)
Dairylea Triangles x3 (HEA)
Pot Black Leaf Tea
Coke Zero

Curried Grilled Chicken
Olives = 1
Brown Sauce = 3
Jasmine Tea

I was that hungover I had Dairylea on toast....


HEA & HEB used!
NSV- having to use my leggings as pyjama bottoms now due to excess room!!! I don't dare go shopping yet though!

With the exception of bio oil has anyone got any stretchmark suggestions? Mine are really prominent on my stomach now and I'm off to Center Parcs on 17th March!!

Sorry to hear about what happened to you with your ex, I can't imagine what you went through. I agree you probably need to take it easy and concentrate on yourself for a little while.
Good luck with your super budget meals, hopefully you'll have lots in the cupboards to keep you going, and remember if it's free food then there aren't any wierd combinations with Slimming World!!

Can't help you on the stretch marks I'm afraid, I have terrible ones covering my whole tummy after having my daughter, but to be honest I've never really tried to get rid of them because I never ever let anyone see my tummy!! But I will certainly be listening closely to any advise you get... !!

Hope you have a good day xx

Love to the lovely chef!!!!! Jacket potato with tuna mayo coleslaw and salad
(And I deliberately bought them low fat mayonnaise for their goods order... I will turn the whole hotel into SW soon!!!)

Hi, Sorry to hear about what happened to you with your ex, I can't imagine what you went through. I agree you probably need to take it easy and concentrate on yourself for a little while. Good luck with your super budget meals, hopefully you'll have lots in the cupboards to keep you going, and remember if it's free food then there aren't any wierd combinations with Slimming World!! Can't help you on the stretch marks I'm afraid, I have terrible ones covering my whole tummy after having my daughter, but to be honest I've never really tried to get rid of them because I never ever let anyone see my tummy!! But I will certainly be listening closely to any advise you get... !! Hope you have a good day xx

Thanks for the advice it's appreciated :) not doing too bad with the meals so far! Realised I have porridge in the cupboard as well so I have something for breakfasts!

I'm actually off to the doctors later and I'm going to ask re Stretch marks- hope you're ok on the dreaded Monday!!!!

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Love to the lovely chef!!!!! Jacket potato with tuna mayo coleslaw and salad
(And I deliberately bought them low fat mayonnaise for their goods order... I will turn the whole hotel into SW soon!!!)


Hi Ruth :wavey:, that meal looks super duper scrummy :p ! I wish I could have a personal chef to cook me things :D u lucky lady !

Kay xx
Hi Ruth :wavey:, that meal looks super duper scrummy :p ! I wish I could have a personal chef to cook me things :D u lucky lady ! Kay xx

It was so yum! Yeah I am lucky they're brilliant with my food at the Hotel! They make me salads and all sorts!

Hope you're ok!

It was so yum! Yeah I am lucky they're brilliant with my food at the Hotel! They make me salads and all sorts!

Hope you're ok!


And all Slimming World compliant! ;)