Thank you very much. It's a wonderful, strange and exciting feeling all wrapped into 1. Your right its very strange seeing them moving about and not feeling it. It feels real now. Me and hubby to be are telling the kids tonight. Our daughter is 9 and our 3 boys are 6,3 and 2 (well he will be next week). Hoping their going to be over the moon.Awww look at that! How gorgeous! Congratulations!!So pleased bub is well - must be so strange seeing him/her wriggling around when you can't feel it yourself!
So pleased for youx
Wooooo! Its a good feeling to get to that 12 week mark and everything be ok isnt it :-D
Very cute scan photo :-D
We're not far apart 12+3 today
It feels great to finally see little bub. Yes your right reaching the 12 week mark is fab. Think it's awesome we are due two days apart. Your bub sounds like my 3rd, he was so chilled he was laying face down and refused to move. When I went back for my 20 week scan he was still laying flat on his face ( he takes after his dad). Really pleased your feeling betterP.S Baby didnt wriggle at my 12 week scan...I think he/she was asleep. Most we saw was his/her leg flicker haha
Hi, just out of curiosity are any of you going to find out what your having at your 20 week scan? I haven't found out with any of mine as I love love love the element of surprise. I do like a good guess though. Was just wandering if any of you have checked out The Nub Theory?
Hope your all ok and this heat isn't affecting you too much....
I take it you DON'T like surprises, he he!! How nice to find out on your birthday. I totally understand why people find out. Also names are hard to choose at the best of times. Only 1 of mine has come home with a name, the others were nameless for a good couple of weeks. Good god, better start thinking....I cannot STAND surprises so Im going to find out lol. We're having an early 16 week scan to find out the sex on my birthday at the end of July :-D
I dont want to buy just unisex stuff either which also contributes to the decision. Plus...I want to know whether to focus on trying to figure out boy or girl names
I'm with you, I love the surprise at the end. My hubby to be has always been the one saying what it is when it comes out. Very special!! Wow I'm very impressed that you're 95% sorted with your names, me and OH are a bit rubbish at agreeing.... We always get there in the end though!!We're not finding out. Both want the surprise at the end. Plus our parents and siblings don't want to know so it would be pointless not being able to share it with our closest family and we'd end up slipping up. We've 95% got our baby names picked out for either sex and we're going for bright colours in the nursery so makes no difference to us. Totally understand why people do want to find out though. Whatever suits each person![]()
I'm with you, I love the surprise at the end. My hubby to be has always been the one saying what it is when it comes out. Very special!! Wow I'm very impressed that you're 95% sorted with your names, me and OH are a bit rubbish at agreeing.... We always get there in the end though!!
Soooo I'm now a married woman. We got married on Sunday, it was perfect. Relaxed and easy going, just how we wanted it. My kids had the time of their lives and were so good all day. I'm still on a high. Best day of my life.
16 weeks
So where has the time gone? 16 weeks today. Midwife tomorrow, looking forward to hearing bubs heartbeat. I finally managed to be brave and got on the scales this morning. I thought it would be a lot worse than it was. From getting my BFP I have gained 6lbs. Think that's pretty going so far. I'm really hoping to gain a maximum of 28lbs throughout this pregnancy. You lose roughly a stone delivering baby, placenta, water etc which would give me just a tone in total to lose. Hope your all well![]()
Thank you, it was a truly gorgeous day. 7lbs is a really minimal gain for 17 weeks. Well done. I didn't weigh with my other pregnancies and ballooned, definitely weighing weekly throughout this one though!!Congratulations!!! Glad everything went well and the whole family had a lovely day
We heard Plum's heartbeat at midwife on Monday - was amazing!! I've gained 7lbs and I'm 17+2. Also not hoping for more than 28lbs although 21 is my aim. Eek!!!
Thank you, it was a truly gorgeous day. 7lbs is a really minimal gain for 17 weeks. Well done. I didn't weigh with my other pregnancies and ballooned, definitely weighing weekly throughout this one though!!
Midwife later, kids are going to listen to see if it sounds like a train or a horse!!
Soooo I'm now a married woman. We got married on Sunday, it was perfect. Relaxed and easy going, just how we wanted it. My kids had the time of their lives and were so good all day. I'm still on a high. Best day of my life.
16 weeks
So where has the time gone? 16 weeks today. Midwife tomorrow, looking forward to hearing bubs heartbeat. I finally managed to be brave and got on the scales this morning. I thought it would be a lot worse than it was. From getting my BFP I have gained 6lbs. Think that's pretty going so far. I'm really hoping to gain a maximum of 28lbs throughout this pregnancy. You lose roughly a stone delivering baby, placenta, water etc which would give me just a tone in total to lose. Hope your all well![]()
Thank you for the congratulations.Just popping by - Congratulations!!!!! First of all on getting married, glad you had a most amazing day. Also on only gaining 6lbs so far (I think I've gained that on a night out before now)! That bodes really well, hope now the sickness phase has been and gone you can enjoy this part of pregnancy, heatwave aside!!
I haven't stepped on the scales since about 12 weeks when I'd gained a few lbs, I'm now 26 weeks with twins and must have gained loads!!
I'm trying to stick to SW most days but do have the odd slip up, last night a couple of rounds of white buttered toast slipped and fell in my mouth. Cant blame the babies for that. Back to it today.
Thank you, the best day of our lives, although I was tucked up in bed by 10.30 he he....Awww congratulations on the wedding/marriage! How exciting! Glad it was a lovely day for you both!!![]()
And wow 16 weeks?! That's gone quick!xx