Pregnant with Baby No 2!
Hi Jess apologies I haven't replied sooner, I appreciate that you keep checking in.
The last few weeks have been full of poorly children one after the other, then hubby, then me yesterday. My two year old is still suffering but hopefully over the worse.
It's so exciting seeing all these birth announcements, after Sarah it's Joey jojo then me eek!! Had midwife last week, bubs was still head down but not engaged still measuring on the top of the centile chart.. For the last two days though bubs has definitely engaged, boy oh boy am I uncomfortable. Waddling like a duck much to my kids amusement and apparently my stomach is now officially larger than grandads (I love the honesty of kids). I have to say this pregnancy has really taken it out of me. I love my little life with my ever expanding brood, but I'm EXHAUSTED..... Really looking forward to meeting this little person.
i hope you all had a lovely Christmas x
Aw that's ok
Not long until your baby is here hun!! How exciting
Hope you had a good crimbo xx