Thank you for the nice comments.
Still feeling rough and still having tango but it is expected and plan to start 100% tomorrow.
Have already planned my week ahead....
Got 2 frozen meals left and then gonna start cooking fresh meals as I have heard it is so much healthier and better for you!
Mum bought me a recipe book; Hairy Bikers which looks great as mum knows I am struggling
Gonna weigh myself tomorrow and I will probably check in everyday, I know some might say that is a little obsessive but it will make me happier and I can be in control.
Trying to look at the bigger picture, got 18 weeks to xmas - can't believe how fast it is approaching.
Decided also that I will no longer drink at home and only when I go out which is quite rare apart from this weekend when I am out with the girls from work on friday as it is payday but I won't be going mad and I am taking my mum and dad out for dinner on saturday but I already know what I having so it's ok as I just drink and drink and I know the sacrifice will be worth it.
Pretty much been in bed today apart fron when I need the loo which has been 10 times already
My advice: stick within the rules, it is NOT worth it.
So motivated and ready to start tomorrow
Gonna start posting what I am eating coz I think it will help.
Going doctors on the 5th Sept and I hope he will give me another months supply.
He told me I need to lose 8 pound in a month which I hope to do by then and maybe more
I lost 8 pound last week but put on 4

so I need to lose lose 4 pound in 2 and a half wrrks which is something I know and will do.
Gonna have a little nap and talk to you all soon.
Thanks again for all the positive replies, I don't as bad
Love you guys xxx