Sad today.
Oh well, them's the breaks.
Food has been poor today - because I was away - so did well for breakfast, moderately okay for lunch (pea soup - good or bad? at peckhams); then tuna melt panini for tea, and a packet of crisps on the train home. Sigh. And very little walking.
I'm okay with it - I looked really good today, losing 60 lbs shows now, and my face has lost a lot of weight. But I want to carry on losing weight, and I really missed walking today. Which is good, isn't it?
Six months in, who would have believed it? The sad thing is, the lady who inspired me to join SW has regained all the weight back and more, so underlining the fact that it's HARD to lose weight successfully and keep it off. I know I can do it, but I need to be watchful of the diet/diet/diet mentality, with the idea that it's a process to get to my goal and that's all. NO: for me, this has to be a change for the rest of my life, and in fact it's great if it takes longer, rather than drop the weight quickly. I've planned on this being a three year process, exercising, toning, getting used to change, and being mindful.
I know that I can be determined, and I also know that once things work, I will stick to them for years. I KNOW this about myself, so I have to use all my strengths to my advantage.
One thing about me: I am just about the only person I know that makes new year's resolutions and keeps at them all year. Not quite the same as success, because that's kind of big-headed, but I do return to them every week, and keep trying. And I've learned that - for me - it really works if I'm specific about what success looks like. And my weight loss goal for 2011 is to weigh 237 by the end of the year. Not massive weight loss, it's probably about 5lbs a month for the rest of the year. But that's my goal. Last year I lost 50lbs, which felt terrific. This year I'm going to get down to 237. Next year (2012) if everything has gone well I'm going to get into Wonderland (under 200 lbs), and the year after that is going to be all about toning, exercising, maintaining, and seeing where I am and if surgery is needed for loose skin.
So, all slow and steady, but hey, I have a plan!!!