How did I do this week?
I lost 3.5 lbs, which was fabulous and a big achievement for me. I’m so so so close to the 70 lbs (5 stones) mark, next week for sure.
Walking was not so good, because I had a cold and was off-colour this week. I did okay, and it’s really important for me not to get caught up in the cycle of perfectionism, all or nothing. It’s okay to look after myself when I’m ill and not feel like a failure.
Interestingly, when I decided I needed a weekend resting up, my first instinct was to buy goodies, because that’s how I comfort myself. I was really pleased that I didn’t, and just stuck to my normal eating patterns. Similarly, when I went out for a drink on Thursday, I didn’t go nuts and get a taxi and eat junk food; it was very weird, but these are significant changes.
N and work: I thought this was screwed up big time, but it turned out not be a problem. She’s bugging me less and less, and over patterns barely overlap any more. So that’s awesome and I’m proud of myself.
Counting to 10: I really made a big effort to take time to think before I speak, because of PMS etc, and that was a huge pay-off. I liked how many times I decided something wasn’t helpful. I’m a pretty nice and kind person, but it just made me even more considerate (how big-headed do I sound? Hah, my round-up, not a modesty channel).
Saving money: I didn’t use my credit card at all, I did a big online shop, and I didn’t spend much money at all in the week. I’m gradually adding to my savings. I bought one latte on the way to work, and took lunch in every single day as usual. No taxis at all either. This is a great goal, to be honest, and I’m doing well on it.
Sun block: yep, I wore sun block every day without fail. And I noticed that my skin is looking absolutely flawless at the moment.
Water: not so much, although better these last few days. Do I want this to be a goal? I never really bother with it too much.
Flylady and home: I wrote about this earlier, but having a cold made me realise how nice my home is these days. I do a little each night, shine my sink etc, and it’s really pretty relaxed and lovely considering how I work long hours etc. Doing really well on this.
Back in the closet: made a big effort with this, and doing really well again. All laundry up to date, all clothes (mostly) away, life is good here.
Cherish my friends: I did make an effort to reach out, and I am definitely doing more and more, and not letting myself get hurt over anything. Chipping away at it.
Keep the wrong ones out: argh, never goes well. We had a dreadful start to the week, but it gave me the strength to be less ‘nice’ to him at the weekend. I want to walk away from him properly.
Personally positive: I do try really hard with this one, and avoid self-pity most of the time. I have dark thoughts about having only one relative and all that, but there’s nothing I can do directly about that, so I focus on the positive.
Simply gorgeous: as I lose weight, I look better and better. My lips dried out with an anti-wrinkle cream, but good old Vaseline and not touching them sorted them out after five days. I’m feeling good about the positive changes. I’d like to take a little more time to regularly pamper myself, and maybe do more through the week? I get tired though.
I’ve tracked my food every day, am pleased at that.
- I’ve admired the beautiful daffodils and spring – I love nature
- I’ve laughed and been kind
- I’ve worked quite hard
I think, overall, I’ve had a good week, and if anything, I need to be kinder on myself and less judgemental. But I am making good progress on my goals.