I’m determined that I am going to stick to slimming world throughout my holidays, and not give up and fall face forward in a box of chocolate eggs!
I had a great day yesterday, walked further than ever before, did so much, and ate well. I’m also meeting up with a lot of friends next week, so I want to make sure that I am looking my best, which is a great incentive.
I feel slightly odd about losing weight. I keep thinking about the figures and the ‘where will I be’ thoughts. But I’m definitely going to stick to this, because it works for me. Also, the more weight I lose, the more energetic I become, which is exhilerating. I always knew this, but it’s definitely a circle that is now working in my favour:
- the more weight I lose, the more I do
- the more I do, the less I want to over eat and sit around
- the less I over eat and sit around, the more weight I lose
Before it was a downward circle that was hard to break:
- I am fat, so I want to sit around and comfort eat
- I comfort eat, so I put on weight
- I put on weight so i don’t want to out and about, I want to sit around and comfort eat
Change one thing, you change others. I knew this logically, but I have to remember this for the future. If I put on weight again, just remember that I have to blindly put my trust in losing weight for a month or three, because then it will gather its own momentum.
Goodness. I guess this could be applied to loads of other areas in my life too.