Total Solution Aaron's Exante Diary

Yeah, can't wait to take him on a walk he will love it!!! He is soooooooo precious isn't he!!! x

yeah he's scrummy!! I've got a standard yorkie jack russell cross and she is gorgeous, a pain in the arse but gorgeous! plus I keep putting pressure on my other half as I'd love another dog, because lilly loves having someone to play with, I should walk her more really but she doesn't really like walking!

say good bye to clean carpets, being able to sit on your own furniture, and never having to pick up poop!
heres a pic of lilly, we rescued her last January.


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I'm going to message all of your facebook friends until I find out your address so that I can come and steal her! She's gorgeous!!
She is very pretty exanteprincess, and I think its great you got a rescue dog, thats another doggy life made soooooo much better :) when I was picking my pup I almost got a bit emotional because I know it will come to a very loving family, and will live a very happy life, and I was just thinking... what if the others aren't as lucky? and it was a bit weird that I was choosing this certain pup... I wanted to take them all home!!!

Caroline he's a boyyyyy! He is beautiful though yeah :D already everyone in my family has that pic ^ as their phone wallpaper haha x
Oh my god he's so cute, might even put it as my phone wallpaper (joking, that would be a but weird)

I wish I could get a little chocolate labrador puppy called kisses but we rent and no pets allowed, BOOOOO x
Awww thats a bummer! You are free to use him as a wallpaper, gogogogo! ;) and hehe I wanted a little choccy one aswell, but Hugo is sweet :) maybe one day you'll be able to get a lab, you never know what'll happen! x
Ok well I'm going to come and steal HIM!
lovely little boy, just dont forget to let him know whos master lol :)

h xx
Just noticed your pic is a dog aswell, looks like a boxer, my very first dog was a boxer when I was only tiny... He was so lovely! x

Just got back in from a 'night out', was my friends 23rd birthday today and he went out for a meal with his gf then I met him at a bar in town with some other mates, I drove there so I already had a concrete excuse not to drink (I wouldn't fall off the wagon at this point anyway!) and I treated myself to a diet coke. Just had the one... ;) anyway, was only there for a couple of hours - was BOOOOOOORING! Usually its buzzing, but sober and being in a loud club where you can't have a conversation is just yawn. Also, its bloody freezing so that didn't help! What DID help was I parked literally a few steps away from the club. :D

Gonna get in bed now, its looking so WELCOMING! Night slimmers! xxx
Ah you did say you thought you'd get bored, ah well. Well done sticking to plan, I'm very impressed! i didn't go to bed as soon as you went... honest...
She is very pretty exanteprincess, and I think its great you got a rescue dog, thats another doggy life made soooooo much better :) when I was picking my pup I almost got a bit emotional because I know it will come to a very loving family, and will live a very happy life, and I was just thinking... what if the others aren't as lucky? and it was a bit weird that I was choosing this certain pup... I wanted to take them all home!!!


Well I actually found her on a website, free to a good home, and I thought aww the poor little thing! so I phoned up about her and it turns out she was dumped on the bloke giving her away by his mate who went on holiday and never came back for her.

She was starving to death, she weighed 2.3kg which is 1/3- 1/2 of the weight she should weigh, her fur was matted she was filthy covered in her own pee and poo, with mites and fleas, she was a mess, he was going to have her put down on the monday and we went and met her on the sunday night.

I couldn't leave her, she had no puppy passport, a scabby bed filled with piss covered rags, one ball that was filthy and a scaby chewed up bowl (which is everything they advise you against when you get a dog! lol)

He told me she was a annoying, dirty thing, who barked all day and night and was vicious and peed everywhere and she was nasty to his other dog and he was glad to the see back of her! I didnt care what he said, she was bright eyed and bushy tailed and so pleased to see us! she seemed like a lovely dog. regardless of what he said even if she didnt fit in with us we would rehabilitate her and find her a good home.

I kept it together and walked out, put her in the car with my fiancee and went back to his door, I gave him a massive piece of my mind, and it isn't even repeatable what I said to him! I was disgusted that a human being could treat an animal this way!

and yeah she wasnt very well house trained and yes shes a yappy dog but we love her and it's one of the best things I've ever done! allo it took was a bit of love and attention and she leads a perfectly good life with owners who love her, treat her right and spoil her :eek: well thats mainly me that spoils her :)
That's really sweet exanteprincess, what a lovely story :) it is absolutely shocking what some people are capable of, and to think she was going to be put down aswell! You saved her life :) that must feel amazing x

Today I weighed myself and have lost 2 and half pounds, very pleased with that result :)

Have spent all day today teaching baby Hugo whats right and wrong, he's so funny, he knows every time he wees outside he will get a treat so he does his thing then trots over to me haha its so sweet for such a young pup :)


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He's so so cute. Seriously, keep an eye on him at all times or you might find I've taken him! I'd love to have a dog but I just don't have the time to really commit to one so it really wouldn't be fair on the dog, which is why I probably won't get one any time soon. Unfortunately.
He is gorgeous but wow. Tonight was his first night home and he slept for a couple hours then cried and cried and fell asleep for another couple hours but then woke up and absolutely broke his heart, had to go downstairs and get him out of his bed, run around in the snow for an hour, treat him for doing his wees outside, clean and tidy his pen and then put him back.

As I was walking away he ran up to the side and started whining so I got a cushion and sat with him. And seriously, he lay down, looked at me almost for reassurance... And then he shut his eyes and fell asleep! What a gorgeous little pup! Maybe now I can grab an hours sleep or 2 before he lets me know he's awake...

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Aww bless, he'll soon settle in and feel more at home. It's got to be pretty daunting for a little puppy to have his first night away from the only place he's known and away from his mum.
Aww how sweet! maybe move his cage into your room for a couple of nights? might help him settle in. I was looking after my mates teacups yorkies, (I looked after her female one when she went on holiday, then she got a puppy teacup yorkie boy and because she had mated the female, the puppy came to stay with me for a couple of weeks) the female cried so much the first night, I had the RSPCA knocking on the door the next morning! so they ended up in my room in the cage so lilly didnt eat them :p
exanteprincess said:
Aww how sweet! maybe move his cage into your room for a couple of nights? might help him settle in. I was looking after my mates teacups yorkies, (I looked after her female one when she went on holiday, then she got a puppy teacup yorkie boy and because she had mated the female, the puppy came to stay with me for a couple of weeks) the female cried so much the first night, I had the RSPCA knocking on the door the next morning! so they ended up in my room in the cage so lilly didnt eat them :p

Be careful bringing pup in your room or before u know it this will happen lol and you'll have no where to sleep lol


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I don't have a cage for him, I have like a doggy pen where i've put loads of cushions, his toys and his doggy toilet so I can't bring him up to my room he has to stay downstairs :confused:

I'm going to try putting a radio on low next to him, and also there is a ticking clock and a water bottle in his pillow so I hope that helps him tonight :)

Have just had my first exante pack now and I've been up since 9 lol :confused: been SO busy with him today!


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