had a very very very very bad weekend. lots of wine (lambrini :\) on saturday night lead to going to the shop for more wine, and marshmallows and boyfriend ordering pizza, ended up giving in and had maybe 3 slices, i dunno i was drunk lol. friday i had had a large slice of birthday cake as it was my godson's 2nd (thomas the tank yum yum!) and sunday went over my parents house as it was my dads birthday on 16 and my mams tomorow so they have a joint party. ate cake again and couldnt resist banofee pie but ate loads. was in my fave dress i bought in a 10 which i can JUST get into, went to walk the dogs and play with them on the field so borrowed some trackies from my lil sister and then went to put my dress on to go home and i am not lying it didnt fit. the zip would NOT go. went on my parents scales too as they have some really good ones and it said id put on 1lb then went to the gym last night and said i had put on 3lb from thursday night when i last weighed myself there!!! well im gutted but taking action. went to the gym and did 45 mins last night, resisting having snacks whatsoever and only eating 3 meals a day