Step 1 Sole Source Abi's weight loss diary!

Good thanks! My energy levels are starting to come back now and I've stopped feeling bloated. My WI is on Wednesday. Fingers crossed!
It is great when the energy levels come up and the bloat goes...good luck with weigh in:cross:
Weigh in day! I can't wait, counting the minutes to half 5! Energy much better now, feel like I am getting into the right pace with it now and no what I can expect from my body whilst on the diet.
Well done abi thats amazing x keep going hun we can do this
Woohoo, well done!!!! :bliss::bliss::bliss:

I feel ABLE! Like I can do anything, it's so weird. Buzzing with energy and good feelings today, it's made me so happy. I was worried I would be so tired and feel ill on this diet, but it's the pure opposite. I hope this feelings lasts! x
Hi Abi im sure it will last once u see those scales getting lower and lower the happiness just continues especially when u can see the difference too
Aw thanks so much Evi!

Day 9!

Yesterday I went to the cinema to watch Maleficent, it was fab! Kinda difficult at the cinema though because I would usually be having nachos and slush puppies and a whole bag of giant buttons (well maybe not the whole thing, but I'd put a dent in it!) and then a few hours later at home I'd be making houmous and grilling hallumi! Damn I love greek food...

Anyway, I got into the queue and it was so tempting to order a large coke zero... But I refrained. For three reasons: Firstly, I hear it can kick you out of Keto in the first two weeks so I didn't want to risk it. Secondly, I had this fear that maybe it was just diet coke, or they would just use normal coke and I would be ingesting all the calories! Thirdly... I don't even like coke! I never used to drink it pre diet lol, and certainly never anything fizzy full stop! But I think I was just so tempted by something that tastes different. But the desire was fleeting and I politely asked for a large bottle of water instead :) Yay!

I feel very settled with just having the packets now. At first it was so over whelming wondering what on earth I would do when I felt like I wanted to eat. But it's weird because I just have zero desire to eat anything I shouldn't. Unusual for me because I normally cannot resist food.

Although I think it really helps that my husband is cooking all his own food. Before Cambridge.. (BC lol!) I cooked a meal for us both every night when he got home from work. I did all the cooking 100% of the time, meaning I had free reign to make whatever dishes I fancied and pick at bits as I cooked, so unhealthy! Wheras now I can just go and read a book and close the door.

Heading into the city now to pick up a new book from waterstones and sure Mark will want something to eat whilst he's out so he doesn't have to cook lol. I'll be trapped in the car with him and probably some giant delicious smelling burger lol!

Oh no abi well done on your trip last night to the cinema im the same nachos and m+ms hope your other half didnt get into your car with a burger or if he didnt u just do what i do and smell it and drink some water :)
Oh my gosh you had a 14lb loss thats amazing! WELL DONE!! Just seeing in there now on your signature, thats fab!

Are you keeping a diary too on here? WOuld love to read! xx
Yes i am not a dead good one but one all the same says starting 20th may :)
Ok, day 14! Two whole weeks of 100% no cheating CWP and I feel great! In fact I have more energy than ever and have been off doing things and forgetting to update here, oops! Weigh in tomorrow, can hardly wait! xx
Good luck with WI tomorrow x mine isnt till Thursday this week due to CDC being away im on day 14 also and loving it summer hols here i come x hope u get good results tomorrow x
The results are in, 5lbs lost this week! Very happy indeed. I hear there can be a slow down in week three but I hope not, I am on a roll to losing my rolls!

Health wise I feel fab, sleeping better and not at all hungry. I get the odd craving but nothing near bad enough to make me want to cheat. Here's to my third week of 100% ss! x
Well done abi thats fab :) its all going in right direction x
Hi Abi :wavey: I've just read your diary, you're doing soooooooo well!! I know standing on those scales on the first day was hard but just think, you'll never let yourself get to that point again! That's how I think anyway...I just got to the point where I was sick and tired of having to think carefully about what I was wearing, everything had to cover my arms and tummy and bum!

youve done great in your last two weigh ins, well done! I've been to the cinema twice since starting this diet, the first time was really hard but this weekend I looked at the popcorn and the chocolate and just thought, nah...I'm not really bothered! However there's a big family roast dinner this that will bother me! I get the odd craving also especially on weekends which makes me think it's more psychological than physical! But I just eat two hard boiled eggs or some chicken and cucumber and it barely reflects in my losses but keeps me sane and on track!
Wow great to read your diary. Congrats on your losses! Can't wait until I'm feeling the keto-buzz like you are! Xxx