Aw I hope you get them Auburn! It took me a while to get over the mental side of how I will look with them, but it's something I'm prepared to deal with.
In other news...
Having an AWFUL day with the diet. I haven't really cheated, not yet anyway.
I have been on ss+ for about 10 days, for most of which I have been using this 9cal salad dressing from Tesco. I checked the label and it was super low carb, couldn't see anything wrong with it. It tastes quite nice and helps make salad more bearable. Anyway, on a whim today I re-read the ingredients... Citric f*cking acid. My heart sank.
I'm now wondering if that's why I only had a 2.5lbs loss this week. So I felt really crappy about myself and this always leads to emotional eating. I managed to reign in my feelings before I did anything stupid, but I am still way over what I should have had today. I made an omelette and had some roast chicken on the side, portion size was bigger than I think is acceptable, I'm not sure as I didn't weigh it.
Also, I stupidly bought some coke zero cans. I say stupidly as I NEVER EVER ever ever used to drink fizzy drinks before CWP. Yet with the heat I succumbed to the idea of an ice cold can. And now....
Now I can't stop drinking the stuff. I'm so angry with myself.
I just can't be trusted with food!!! It's ridiculous, 25 years old and I am not able to be in control of my own cravings. I am so s disheartened. I feel like giving in and binging on hummus, pasta with pesto, warm bread smothered in butter, Pinot Noir, dark chocolate, ice cream, cocktails, vegetable crisps, roasted peppers, meze... urgh the list is endless!!!!
I'm not going to.
But at 1st4lbs down I feel bigger than when I started, I'm in that type of mood.
Guess TOTM isn't helping.
Hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel today and I'm only 4.5 weeks into what will most likely be a 6 month journey. I really don't want to feel this way every few months! I'm so hungry and miserable. I was far less hungry on just SS.
Tomorrow is a new day. Early night and hope for the best tomorrow