Abi's weightloss diary - post jaw surgery

it was jim. but i suppose it's my own silly fault for agreeing to go to asda this morning, ha. i could have slept in until 12 if i hadn't had to get up at half 8 :)
glutton for punishment then abz? ;)
it would seem that way wouldn't it :) but i needed to get a few things for thomas's lunches and for me when working late... so...
LOL, well I'm off now abz, just had the backup tapes loaded, see you tomorrow love.
Hi Honey :)
Hope you are ok! xxx
Hi Abz. Hope the evening not dragging too much x
Not so many people about on here to stop the boredom in the evening is there x
not so many gem, no. but i do have work to do. i have to come up with a disaster recovery plan for our department and it's a bit of a shambles to be honest... and i'm starting from scratch and grasping at straws in the dark :) so that's keeping me busy.

am currently thinking about virtualising our cluster to make data recovery faster and cheaper, however i don't know how easy it is to virtualise a cluster... any clue jim? do you use vmware?

abz xx
Keeps you outa mischief Abz - that's quite important!!!!!
Morning abz,

I have used it but don't here, we use a product called Ditto, every night a core image is taken of our servers on a server in a different part of the building.
Morning Abz :) Hope you are well today, and hope you manage to get to the back specialists ok.

Morning Jim :) how are you? what you up to?
Hi Bon, I'm producing end of period reports love, nothing exciting. :)
Gah that doesn't sound too fun Jim!

I've been trying to get people to sign our colleages birthday card without her seeing, hehe, has been rather amusing! Don't think she's noticed though, phew!
I get mugged virtually weekly here for donations to charities or birthdays. :(
we don't do birthdays at work, but we do do leaving cards etc. i got over £70 just for getting married. it was rather a shock. i wasn't expecting anything and suddenly half the office wandered down to our little abandoned area and did this presentation. i was most embarrassed and surprised and desperately trying not to get emotional. turns out i work with a rather lovely bunch :)

i got to the back place this morning. it took me two hours. 1.5 hourson the bus and then half an hour walking up big hills in the rain. i did have a brollie but it was that kind of horizontal rain and it soaked up my rather long jeans and my shoes were full of water. i'm not sitting at work in my tracksuit bottoms i took to see the back man and some thermal socks i bought in otley on the way back to the bus stop. i feel like i'm in my pyjamas... ha.

on the back front. well he says my back will get better over a long period of time :D i thought he would say i would crumble away. but no :D he said that i was rather young to show this kind of damage, usually people are between 30 and 50 when it starts and i was 23 at the oldest i think... he said that they will block the nerve to the vertebrae they think is causing the problem to check that the diagnosis is correct and if so they would deaden the small part of the nerve to that vertebrae so that i wouldn't feel the pain any more. and over time it would improve. so that's good news. a bit scary on the nerve front but i can't carry on like this.

that can't be done for a while though so in the meantime it might be more specialised physio and potentially accupuncture!! i didn't know they did that on the nhs!! :D

abz xx
Abz - sometimes it seems like back problems go on forever and will never get better. The left over problems from my injury is still apparent but I sometimes get periods now where I am not aware of the pain at all. My advice to you is to keep the core strong and keep aligned - watch your posture and don't over compensate. I hope it gets easier soon x
well he said everything looked ok at the moment. i can't imagine it not hurting. it's' odd. most of the time there's just this constant but dull pain that i don't really notice any more. but i can't imagine it not being there. other days are worse than others and on bad days my sciatica flares up with the disks swell and trap the nerve :(

so the fact that my spine isn't crumbling away was most welcome news :D
That is good news abz, I'm really pleased to hear that. I used to have loads of back problems in my Rugby days, I still get them occasionally, but very infrequently.