Such brilliant news Abi you're back's been so painful for sooo long now, it's just not fair So the news that you shouldn't be suffering for the rest of your life is worth grinning about am chuffed for you phew!
i am rather happy. to be honest 'the rest of my life' wasn't really occurring to me, because hopefully that's such a long time... and thinking about it... well, i would have been in pain for potentially around three quarters of my existence... not good. so yay
having another cup of tea right now, second of the day. need it to keep these eyelids of mine open...
well hello everyone. i'm going to be the only one on here today i'll bet
i'm at work again. hey ho. but i am off tomorrow. and i have a sneaking suspicion that i'll be off on monday too... not used to my new shifts yet (toddles off to have a look...) woohoo!! i do. so working one day and then off another two. not bad then i do have four 10-hour days in a row though ah well. weekend off
it's quiet here at the moment. haven't really done an awful lot, but i'm here in case of emergency
of course i am gem. another hour to go and then i have another two days of :O can't believe it. no excuse not to clear out all my crap then is there... and the work i have done today has been minimal. the only task logged hadn't been logged properly. just saying some software has to be installed but not saying which version and i'm not spending time installing the wrong bloody one so they'll have to do it themselves on monday
well i'm back at work again. this rota is lovely in one sense, with the thursday friday sunday monday off, but it's awful coming back to work on a tuesday after what feels like a bit of a break, ha. and now i have four 10-hour days ahead of me
still. i get to leave early today as i have a docs appointment at 3.30, so will be finishing at 2.30 and then heading straight home. also need to pop into the post office to send off my passport application so i get my passport in time for going away at christmas...
how is everyone else doing? good weekend everyone?
cold and blustery here today jim. it was trying to rain when i got to work and i can't see out of any windows right now to see if it still is, ha. the office is warmish thank goodness
had sultana bran for brekkie and must have had a mouldy bit, whether it was a sultana or a bran flake it was totally foul so that spoilt my brekkie.
really need to get back into the habit of drinking water. i've been absolutely abysmal at it recently...