sounds fabulous elle
well i'm shattered. i'm off work sick as i feel bloody awful and my morning sickness has returned. i feel like i'm made of lead!! mum is still blitzing the house and showing me things but thankfully we got the worst of it done before i got ill.
it's my birthday this weekend and i haven't really thought about it much. bon and jamie and two of our friends are coming to stay, and i've been more focussing on that. i only just invited people for sunday lunch on sunday when i finally realised people were asking me what to do for my birthday and it was only a few days away, ha.
hopefully by the time people get here there will be more room to fit people in (still not quite sure how to do that) and i will have stopped throwing up

ah well. i'm sure they'll cope if not.
a rather small group of us going for dinner so far on sunday but with bon and jamie and maybe our friends (they haven't told us yet) and a few others it will be a sizable group

but given how tired i am if i don't have to entertain 20 people at my house this year then so much the better, so i think sunday dinner was a good plan
anyways, bon's here tomorrow night

mum is leaving tomorrow morning. i'm still not sure whether i'll be going into work in between the two... mum is scrubbing under my sink as it leaked last night, so even there is getting a good seeing to
abz xx