good morning guys. well. so much for putting my feet up when i got home from work. thomas had emptied every nook and cranny upstairs and brought all our stuff downstairs. i spent all night sorting out clothes. then sunday at a christening. sunday night sorting out more stuff and paperwork. monday sorting out wedding stuff, baby stuff shopping (got quite a lot of rather nice stuff all practical, none of it silly though) and sorting out my bookcase for charity shopping etc. i'm absolutely knackered. my mother is a slave driver!! it's great to have her here though. and we really really needed the kick up the arse to get us moving. we have four people coming to stay this weekend so it all has to be done by then!! we weren't even going to start until after that so we're rather ahead of ourselves. am going to have to find something wonderful to give my mum now. she's also taken it upon herself to take all the clothes that were packed up and a bit musty to the laundrette... there were a lot... she's mad!!
don't want her to leave though. have really enjoyed having here here for this long
ha. she's still here, and we still have to finish clearing out!! so no. it won't be a quieter week. and then my days off are filled with birthday and people visiting!! ha. ah well. it shall be done
and it will be such a relief. but even so. me, worst nightmare, met. aargh. i would love to live a minimalistic life but i'm just so damned sentimental about everything!!
i've been there and done that nomad when i was 15. i would rather not repeat it. but that has more to do with my dad and his then wife rather than the living arrangements...
thing is, once the stuff is gone you just don't think about it any more do you?