seven weeks hon. but i'm so tired i'm kind of wishing i'd started it earlier, ha. but then saying that, i'm sure i'll be grateful that i get to spend more time with my baby at the end
Elle - what d'you expect, running out on us for months with some dishy bloke who appears to be the love of your life - THE ONE no less!!! Well, quite understandable really I guess x
i am at work again today after a sleepless night and damn i want to snooze!! ha. nice and quiet day so far. at 3 loads of people will descend for the football shift so i should be grateful while i can
we are doing ok. having quite a acidy, sicky day today unfortunately. thomas was nearly sick this morning though. so i really hope that we aren't getting a bug. i wouldn't be able to tell the difference.
oh. and i think i'm starting slimming world on monday the only diet you can do when preggers. not to lose weight at the mo, but hopefully to slow this immense landslide of gain that i'm going through!! Ha. have been looking at menus and man i want a cooked breakfast!!