Abi's weightloss diary - post jaw surgery

howdy everyone :)

am doing just fine. off out with a friend for a couple of hours shortly. slept in this morning which was fab. broken getting back to sleep but i think it helped :)

starting slimming world tonight. well, that's the plan. will have to see what they say. am hoping that they let me join and get all the stuff and then get the permission form from the midwife signed before next week. i don't want to not be able to start properly for a week :(

am listening to the glee soundtrack and trying to persuade myself to get out of my pyjamas before my friend gets here, ha.

abz xx
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Hi Abz x
good morning everyone. yes. went to slimming world last night. was fab. most people there seemed nice. mainly have things to nibble on with me today as i need to cook up a big batch of something for lunches really. but i can always pop to tesco if i become ravenous :) i can't snack on fruit as it makes me sick, and that will make things more difficult. i have brought in some tomatoes which don't seem to bother me, so will see how i go with those :)

wish me luck. today be day one!! :D

how are all of you doing? i'm not sure i really got more than an hour or two of real sleep last night. i seemed to either me fading in and out of dozing, or lying trying to get to sleep for the entire night. not sure i'll make it the whole day at work today as i feel so so sick and incredibly tired. but i'm here and will see how i go...

abz xx
LOL, what's the point of worrying about your weight when you are carrying a baby abz. :)
because i can't bear the thought of having to start from scratch after everything i did to lose it jim. plus. it will make me eat far more healthily than i am doing. which can only be good for both me and baby :)

i'm not worrying about losing loads or anything. i just want to make sure i don't gain a couple more stones, as it was heading that way!!
Eating healthy will be good for you and little one x
Morning abz, of course love, but the baby's needs come first. :)
it will be better for the baby than all the pizza i've been eating jim :S

have just had my branflakes. no sign of the evil acid yet. was so sick last night :( feel a bit better this morning though :)

abz xx
You at work today abz?
i am yes jim. although i'm having a very unmotivated day. the one thing i wanted to get done i can't do until a member of staff arrives at 4pm... another thing i'm not really sure what i'm doing so avoiding that until friday when my super says he'll help me go through it.. and the other things are kind of stalled. i could work on my php coding. think i'll do that after lunch.

abz xx
I've never really got into the web stuff abz.
well jim it gives me something to do. although i really don't see the point. i know i need to keep busy but i'm leaving in under six weeks and i'm only doing it to learn. which would be fab. but then i'm potentially off for a year and will have forgotten it all when i come back. not saying i don't want to learn it. just seems silly to struggle to get it all done in the next few weeks...

have an appraisal next monday. and looked through last year's appraisal form worrying that i wouldn't have held up my parts of the bargain. i tell you what, i've done an awful lot more on my side than my supers. training is mentioned. more feedback on the work i've done. being told to ask more questions if i'm unsure (i'm made to feel a bit of a moron if i do this) but i have worked on my weaker areas. so i think it should go ok. especially since i can point out that they haven't done their bit!!
Sounds good to me abz. :)