Abi's weightloss diary - post jaw surgery

As I remember it Elle, Abz sat with her tetra pack while we were eating - Don't know how she managed to avoid those yummie jacket spuds and all the wonderful goodies at the German market x
ha. thanks guys. but have you had danish pastry??? ha. i think the main issue will be that i will feel bloody awful when i first come off it and i will gain loads of water weight and feel huge. i think i'll be able to maintain or only gain a lb or two while i'm there, it's more the coming off low carbing that's worrying me now. but i do want to. thing is, do i come off just before i go, like in the airport, ha, or do i come off a week or so before and try and maintain some self-control before i go to get used to it?

abz xx
I usually go on strict induction the week before we go away abz, but you're already on that I think
yeah i am jim. don't you feel awful when you come off it though? i don't want to end up with a major carb hangover on the first day of my holiday!!
well, it's hard to distinguish a carb hangover from a real one abz, and seeing as I tend to drink a lot more on holiday I can't tell the difference. When I do notice it, is when i come home and then go back on strict induction, I fell really bad for a couple of days then until the carbs are cleared out of my system :)
ha. well i'll just have to see how i go then. i don't drink that much really, mainly because i now get horrific hangovers!! ha.
It's a holiday abz, enjoy :)
i think i will jim. i am considering coming off a few days before and calorie counting for those days to keep myself in check... either that or just crashing out of ketosis at the airport... ha.

abz xx
LOL, have you been to Denmark before abz? I used to go a lot when I was a child, but I have lost touch with all my cousins over there now, it's a shame really, especially as Carol has all these relatives in Malta they keep in touch with. I feel we have lost a lot of our heritage.
Nothing stopping you looking them up Jim - t'internet has made the world a whole lot smaller;)

This April I met up with a couple who I had not seen in 30 years - I hadn't heard from them in over 10 years but they looked me up and I am sooo glad they did:D
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I've tried helen, but the small coastal village community they lived in seems to be just a part of Aarhus now, and I can't find any trace of them, and my Mum hasn't heard from any of them in years
that's such a shame jim.

yes, we've been going over there at least once a year, usually twice since thomas moved over here. we haven't been there for over a year though since izzy was born so it will be great to go back :D i love it over there.

especially the danish pastries :D two weeks today we go!! i can't believe it!!
Not long now hun. It was great to see you yesterday. You've been doing so well, I'm sure you'll manage to be at least semi good while you're away, and all the walking will be good! :) x
ha. yeah. thanks helen :) i am just going to make sensible lower cal choices when i can and not worry about it too much. if it went on in two weeks it should come off in two weeks with a wee bit of luck :D

you were a great help in listening to me rant yesterday. thanks for that :) it was fab to see you. you are looking fab :D

abz xx
Seems like you are away at the same time as us then Abz, we are off to France on the 9th, and Jamie and Carol move house on the 8th, it's going to be a busy couple of weeks :) I was wondering what Olivia will think of it all, Off to other nannies in the morning, back to a whole new house in the evening. LOL
i have mysteriously gained 4lbs in four days!! aargh. i'm guessing it's water weight but i haven't eaten anything nice enough to account for it, ha. feel like maybe i should have caved and had that pizza now!!

i did go out the other night and drank vodka diet cokes so maybe it's that catching up with me...

abz xx
i just had a bolognaise sauce with some cauli mash which i've been able to have without a problem in the past when low-carbing. well i feel like death!! i must have overcarbed. oh god.

abz xx