hey everyone. sorry i vanished for a bit there. i've been working ridiculous numbers of hours. so it is with contract self-employed work. there's none for months and then you realise you've been sitting at the pc for 15 hours straight, only stopping to wee... so that's been my life this week, ha. knackered. tomorrow morning should see the end of it unless i get another job. part of me really hopes that i will because i need the cash. part of me wants to go to bed forever, ha.
i lost 4lbs last week. woohoo. go slimming world. thomas was very proud. he decided i needed rewarding. and what was that reward you might ask?? a bloody dark chocolate orange!! bless him. his heart is in the right place but really!! ha. so it's my active deterrent in the kitchen now. i look at it all the time and think 'no, i don't really want you'. now if it had been a packet of hobnobs i'd have been a goner!! but i can resist chocolate orange. so it's all good.
i had better have lost weight this week. i've been so good. mainly because i've been working so much i haven't had time to eat things i shouldn't. but i have had strepsils etc which i refused to use my sysns on.. so we shall see. i have a horrid chesty cough, sore throat and a cold. if i gain i'm blaming it on extra mucus!!

weigh in is tomorrow evening so i'll let you know how that goes
great news on the continuance of your baby plans elle

it's a good idea to lose weight beforehand. not so you don't gain it in pregnancy. oh no. i was the same weight after having izzy as i was before. then i gained a couple of stones living on junk when she was tiny and i was tired and couldn't be bothered to cook

so getting into healthy habits now will hopefully save you from that

i didn't get on with ww but obviously it works for a lot of people. seems to be doing so for you
i really don't want to be fat at 30. and lets face it. i have three and a half months before i hit the big 30. i'm not going to get thin in that time. i could lose a couple of stones though. i think i weighed in at 16st 7 last monday. so here's to getting to 14st something before my birthday... just after christmas.... it's always a sod that!! ha. but i'll give it a go. what's that at 2lbs a week? *gets out calculator and calendar...* there's approximately 16 weeks to my birthday. i can do 2 stones in that right? well. i'm not going to big it up or set a big target because i won't reach it. right now i want to be 15st something. like i was before last christmas. oh my god. i can't believe i've spent since last christmas trying to get back to 15st something. that's just depressing. and i'm going to have to change sw classes. and i'm probably going to have to go back to the one i left in january. which is fine. but i want to be at least the same size as i was then!! ha. everyone else will be thin by now!!
right. i've rambled on and on and now i'm going to bed.
nighty night everyone xx
abz xx